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How to inversely transform time series predictions to add seasonality back in? [closed]

I have transformed some data to make it stationary before fitting an ARIMA(1,0,1) model. I specifically want to manually transform the data to better understand the process. I can successfully fit a ...
AlexMackayGU's user avatar
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Is it possible to perform Rolling Origins on multiple time series with the modeltime package in R?

I am currently working on a project that involves multiple time series, and I would like to know if it is possible to implement a Rolling Origins technique for these multiple series using the ...
ds_user_1705's user avatar
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How can I fit a `HoltWinters` model with the `fable` package?

I have a tsibble with data every 15 minutes. I want to simulate: ts_data <- ts(data$value, deltat = 1/96) # There is a daily seasonality model <- HoltWinters(ts_data) predictions <- predict(...
Telaroz's user avatar
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GLM for longitudinal or time-series -- how to model and interpret a binary logistic regression over time controlling for covariates using R [migrated]

I work with the risk of delays (0 = no risk, 1 = risk). I want to run a binary logistic regression considering panel data over time. I have data from 4 years (4 time-points) and some covariates (...
Luis's user avatar
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How to access row and column names (year and month) from a (monthly) time series, when rownames and colnames fail?

In monthly time series (frequency = 12), R prints out the years and months automatically, arranging them to look like row names and column names. But they are not accessible through rownames or ...
dolphingang's user avatar
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Delete a single value in dataframe based on particular date and time

I have a dataframe and I want to delete a single value based on the date and time, I want to delete the value for Variable 2 on the 2020-06-15 14:00:00 with an option to replace the value 780.45 with ...
LZ24AP's user avatar
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Specifying an advanced GARCH model in R

I am trying to implement a specific kind of GARCH model in R. The simple description of the model is the following: I am trying to build an GARCH(1,1) model, where I_t is a dummy variable indicating ...
Tom_t's user avatar
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Custom function to create sequential index variable in longitudinal data [duplicate]

This is probably very basic but I'm having a hard time finding an answer to my question in existing posts. I'm working with longitudinal data and need to create a sequential index variable that ...
evedu's user avatar
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ggplot time series geom_line showing as a bar chart

I am trying to create a time series line chart with ggplot2 using the following code: ggplot(my_data, aes(Period_end_date, Value, group = `Policy Year`, colour = `Policy Year`)) + geom_line() + ...
Matta's user avatar
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Tips on using geom_contour_filled() - currently giving breaks related error

I am trying to create a contour plot. I have loaded a list of csv's into a combined_df. There are three columns - tau, time and gamma. Tau is the x axis, time is the y axis and gamma is what I want to ...
Kieran's user avatar
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How does the pvarfeols function from the R panelvar package handle fixed effects?

I have been using the pvarfeols function (Fixed Effects Estimator for PVAR Model) from the R panelvar package. It seems like the pvargmm function is a primary feature of the panelvar package but I ...
catin's user avatar
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Model Selection and Usage of Convenience Function from the midasr package in the context of an Unrestricted Midas model

I have a quarterly (y_ts_ready) and 4 monthly (x1_ts_ready, ..., x4_ts_ready) time series. I want to use the 4 monthly time series to forecast the quarterly one. Midas regressions have appeared to me ...
José Miguel Matos's user avatar
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Aggregate daily raster data by weeks in R

I have daily snow and ice extent raster files for 2022 from NOAA ( I need to get the maximum ice extent per week for the year. My task is ...
Erin Snook's user avatar
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Identifying start and end time and duration in minutes of highlighted area in ggplot

I have highlighted areas in a time series plot where variable 1 is greater than 28.3m and in a separate plot where variable 2 is between 335 and 390 and then stacked these plots on top of each other. ...
LZ24AP's user avatar
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How to automatically detect the sign of the slope in a time series with serrated shape in R?

I have a time series that looks like a jagged shape. I want to know the positive or negative slope of the jagged depression. Sometimes the noise in this time series can be heavy, so it is difficult to ...
mym123's user avatar
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