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Questions tagged [protocol-buffers]

For questions about Google's protocol buffers

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TypeError: Channel.stream_stream() got an unexpected keyword argument '_registered_method'

Trying to use fabric-sdk-py repo by cloning. Completed "make install" successfully but then when tried to use the library got below traceback code related to the traceback is >>> ...
joeee's user avatar
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Protoc and GRPC in Java. avoid camelCase convention

I have compiled the health.proto for my Java application, using protoc --java_out=...... --grpc-java_out=... -I=..... proto Compiles OK and creates the required java classes. The ...
dummyhead's user avatar
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Nanopb: How to define a nanopb message that nests itself?

I'm having trouble defining a nanopb message that has a nested type whose type is the message itself. If the message doesn't nest itself, everything looks good: proto definition: syntax = "...
Charlene's user avatar
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error TS2345: Argument of type `'ISchoolService' `is not assignable to parameter of type `'ServiceDefinition<UntypedServiceImplementation>'`

I generate grpc Typescript code with: "proto": "npx grpc_tools_node_protoc --js_out=import_style=commonjs,binary:./grpc/client --grpc_out=./grpc/client --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=`which ...
khteh's user avatar
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Where can I get Openrtb 2.6 schema in json/avro format [closed]

I am migrating my software to use OpenRTB 2.6 from 2.5 . I can find documents online for whatever is available in OpenRTB 2.6. But I dont find any schema documents anywhere. Where do I find it ? Or I ...
Sai Prasanna S's user avatar
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Hit `<foo>_pb.js` does not provide an export named `'<foo>'` syntax error

I generate proto js files with: npx grpc_tools_node_protoc --js_out=import_style=commonjs,binary:./grpc/client --grpc_out=grpc_js:./grpc/client --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=`which ...
khteh's user avatar
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How to use bytes (encode/decode) in Protobuf (C++)?

Lets say I have a simple Protobuf message like: syntax = "proto3"; package package; message WriteBlock { uint32 address = 1; uint32 size = 2; bytes data = 3; } Now I create a ...
peter's user avatar
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Using FieldMask for DocumentAI inner fields in Google Java SDK

I'm looking at the Google DocumentAI SDK and I'm trying to filter out an "inner" field, specifically the BoundingPoly.vertices field from all objects. The bounding poly is part of the Layout ...
PentaKon's user avatar
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C++ Protobuf DebugString does not return the human readable message, but the address [closed]

For C++ protobuf, I want to use the DebugString function to get the human readable message, but it returns the address, just like MessageLite at 0x7ffdc4a3ef00 Does any one knows why, thank you. Edit: ...
happyhbc's user avatar
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How to Resolve Protobuf Version Conflict Between Two Dependencies in Android Project?

I am working on an Android project that uses two libraries which depend on different versions of Protobuf. Here are the dependencies: implementation 'io.livekit:livekit-android:2.5.0' // depends on ...
Ashif Ali's user avatar
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Become relative import when `buf generate` with `google.type.Date` in TypeScript

When I ran buf generate on a file that included google/type/date.proto, a pb file containing a relative path was generated. However, there is no file with the specified path. The language is ...
hirano00o's user avatar
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oneOf in protobuf descriptor due to optional fields

I have encountered strange protobuf-java behavior. If I have a message with optional fields message SearchRequest { optional string query = 1; optional int32 page_number = 2; optional int32 ...
Lukas's user avatar
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Why the default implementation of xxx.pb.go use global registry, can I modify it to avoid namesapce conflict?

From the official doc says. It will meet a namespace conflict if I have a single proto file and using it generated two pb in different pkg. For example, example.proto is generate into two example.pb....
hankeyyh's user avatar
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Relative Import in Protobuf

Folder structure: service.proto syntax = "proto3"; package service; option go_package = "../../../proto-generated/user/service"; import "user/models/models....
Praveen Kumar's user avatar
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unable to parse message using ParseFromIstream

I have a simple csv file that I am trying to read using protobuf. For some reason it fails at ParseFromIstream test-data.csv col1 col2 col3 1 2 3 fstream in("/input/test-data.csv", ios::...
shailesh gavathe's user avatar

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