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Questions tagged [mbtiles]

MBTiles is a file format for storing map tiles in a single file. It is, technically, a SQLite database. Latest format version as of February 2018 is 1.3.

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Draw a POLYGON feature as as a line string in MapLibre / Mapbox

I have vector tiles that I want to render in MapLibre with a custom style. There are geofeatures with polygons that I want to render as a filled polygon. In addition, I want to render the outline of ...
alexgk's user avatar
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run tileserver-gl on a server without internet access Error

I am encountering an issue while trying to run tileserver-gl on a server without internet access. I have successfully set up tileserver-gl on other servers using a prepared folder with all necessary ...
Andreas's user avatar
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Error creating MBTiles org.imintel.mbtiles4j.MBTilesWriteException: Add metadata failed

I've found an error in my app. For proper context, one of the functionalities of my app is generate MBTiles files for the users. The method in charge of the MBTiles generation is the next (logs are ...
Angel Rodriguez Revuelta's user avatar
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Serving many MBTiles files using tileserver-gl

I am using tileserver-gl to serve tiles from MBTiles files, which are generated on a daily basis using tippecanoe. Every day a new MBTiles file is generated per a specific id (roughly 200 ids) and ...
RoeeHas's user avatar
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How to convert WEBP Mbtiles (512 x 512) to lower resolution (256x256)

I am working on world elevation mbtiles which are in WEBP 512 x 512 resolution. I want to convert this to a lower resolution WEBP 256 x 256. How can I lower the resolution? I tried gdal-translate, but ...
Ashish Gupta's user avatar
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Why mbtiles file is so big?

I want to create very simple world map with coastline and countries. For this, I extracted country borders from planet OSM. PBF file is only 24MB. Next, with tilemaker I created mbtiles file (with ...
Jarek's user avatar
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Convert HMAC signature from Go into R

I am trying to reproduce the following golang code in R for creating the signature for the consibio/mbtilesever. The aim is to build apps in R and python which can access mbtileservers uisng a secure ...
pdbentley's user avatar
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Distorted PBF Vector Tiles in OpenLayers

I have a local set of PBF files that render parks and roads in a geographic area. The parks display correctly, but the roads are completely distorted at all zoom levels - what could be causing this ...
Sidders's user avatar
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Tippecanoe not outputing any progress in the terminal

I am running the following on a geojson file that is 41mbs; it runs and produces an output .pmtiles file, but I am not getting any progress bar or output even after hours. Am I doing something wrong? ...
Reuben's user avatar
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Displaying offline satellite maps using react-leaflet

I am working on a react project where i want to display satellite maps and they have to be offline maps since the project that i am working on is completely offline. I have created satellite map (XYZ ...
Jestin Kuriakose's user avatar
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OSMDROID: load offline tiles from database

I have .mbtiles database with tiles: database How can i load tiles into Map View? The examples from the Internet do not work. My code shows a gray default screen: public void getTilesFromArchive(...
Александр's user avatar
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Extract administrative boundary only data from OSM

I'm trying to host a map for a selected administrative region. Extracts available on geofabrik similar services, sadly, do not provide extract of this sub-region. I've extracted administrative ...
Vitaly Varyvdin's user avatar
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Display Elastic vector tiles with

I'm trying to use with MVTLayer to display some Elastic vector tiles. Using maplibre-gl So far, I've been able to make it work using the maplibre-gl library: map.addSource(sourceName, { '...
daniegarcia254's user avatar
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Lines are displaying while rendering tile based kpi(mbtiles) on map

I have mvt layer which has icon layer on it,I'm using deck gl for data visualisation on map, on mbtiles loading I see dashed lines at the junction of each tile on the icon layer, please suggest me a ...
Amarnath VC's user avatar
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Converting osm maps to mbtiles

I am working on an project which is completely offline (windows), the frontend is in react where i display a base map using react-leaflet library, and i serve the base map through a node backend from ...
Jestin Kuriakose's user avatar

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