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Questions tagged [legend]

A graph legend is commonly used when plotting several sets of data within the same diagram. The legend associates each plot with its corresponding data.

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How to plot the legend with combined_plot (ggplot2)

I created this script to display some environmental impacts for my research. `legend_plot <- ggplot(data_longGW, aes(x = Crop_cycleGW, y = kg_CO2_eq, fill = Category)) + geom_bar(stat = "...
Guido Evangelista's user avatar
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Legend key color when combining ggOceanMaps and ggspatial

I am trying to combine basemap from ggOceanMaps with geom_spatial_point and having the geom_spatial_point having a new color scale. When I combine these two, the legend.key background color remains ...
Camille Pagniello's user avatar
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Showing or saving only the legend of a plotly figure

Given a plotly figure with traces and a legend, is there a way to only show the legend without any of the plot content? My use case for this: I'm exporting several images with the same legend. Instead ...
william_grisaitis's user avatar
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How to color the legend labels in ggplot [duplicate]

Using the iris dataset, we can make a boxplot and customise the legend when plotting using ggplot like so: ggplot(data = iris, aes(x=Species, y=Sepal.Length, fill=Species))+ geom_boxplot()+ ...
Ginko-Mitten's user avatar
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How do I make one legend for all subplots in a sns.histplot without duplicate labels?

I have a dataframe that I'm plotting using sns.histplot to make ~9 subplots. I do not want the figure to have 9 legends. I'd like 1 legend for the entire figure, since most of the legends are ...
rcpi's user avatar
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ggplot of multiple geom_sf datasets gives mismatched legend colours

I am trying to create a ggplot map which includes two simple feature line datasets. I would like the lines to either appear in the same legend, or a separate legend. However the approach I am taking ...
David's user avatar
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Why is scale_fill_manual() adding a second legend to my linegraph? [closed]

I am trying to create a linegraph showing population change over time for two species. I managed to create the graph how I want it to be and am now trying to alter the aesthestics for a public poster. ...
Lauren Benedict's user avatar
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Is it possible to count the occurrence number of a custom icon in Leaflet? If yes, how to do it?

Firstly, I'm a beginner, I've learned a lot from you. I have 5 custom icons defined: //Awesome icons var LeafIcon = L.Icon.extend({ options: { shadowUrl: "markers-shadow.png", ...
Weslley Morais's user avatar
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adjusting the legend in TramineR plots

I am new to using TramineR and I just cannot seem to figure out how to arrange the legend in any of the plot types. The legend keeps being cut off by the plots. I have tried to use the seqlegend ...
user25809482's user avatar
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Having problem adding legend onto my ggplot when ggplot's data argument is NULL [duplicate]

New to r here, so please bear with me. I am sure this is something simple to solve. I have this plot here and want to add a legend to distinguish which line represents the "Tailwater Gauge" ...
Matt Schaaf's user avatar
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Rotating/angle of ggplot key_glpyh, custom legend key glyph

I am trying to emulate a plot style ive seen online, created by Chris Canipe ( Looking at trade flows, I've managed to ...
Rupert Stacy's user avatar
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Plant UML Multiple legend in Gantt View

How to add Multiple legend with different colors in Gantt Chart using Plant UML? It's working for me, for one legned. It's taking the last line of code... Is there a way to show, different parameter ...
Harsha Jotwani's user avatar
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Altair chart legend for subset of data

As an exercise for learning more advanced altair, I'm trying to generate a simplified version of this chart: To simplify, I'm using gray for ...
Don's user avatar
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R Customize ggVennDigram legend based on internally defined categories of mapped colors - not counts nor individual intersections

First time posting here... I have a Venn diagram where I have coded certain regions of intersections based on internally defined categories. I want to produce a legend that reflects those categories. ...
dGroat's user avatar
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Text shifted in legend because of LaTeX formatting in matplotlib

For some reason in my subplot, the legend of the second ax is cropped at the bottom inside of the legend box. It seems the index causes the text to shift a bit. The legend box itself is perfectly fine....
Chris Ze Third's user avatar
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Trying to remove the background of color icon in ggplot legend

I'm trying to remove the gray box behind the color icon in the legend of this graph. Wondering if the issue is that I'm using geom_col() so the color aesthetic is just the outline of the column. Does ...
lp_bae_ncsu's user avatar
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Add size legend to

I have a visualization done using It basically shows the different institutions on the Saudi Arabia map. These institutions are marked by small circles that are color ...
Kareem's user avatar
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How to add a FancyBbox as a legend?

As per the title, I'm trying to add a list of fancy bboxes to a legend : I tried the code below but there is a problem. ...
VERBOSE's user avatar
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How to make responsive 'legend' area for mobile view

I'm building a portfolio website using HTML & CSS. I want to add my projects inside tags. But those legend tags arn't responsive for the screen resolution(for me, it's mobile view) and its' ...
Tharin Edirisinghe's user avatar
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How to keep decimal places in branca colormap using folium?

I'm using branca to create a custom color map to use in a folium map. I would like for the scale to display the decimal places from the index still, not round to a whole numbers, but I'm having a hard ...
megapandalover's user avatar
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Reorder legend levels in CalendR

Using CalendR to plot fishing days for boats. How do you go about reordering legend levels e.g. boat names first then public holidays last? Load packages, create events & plot calander: ## load ...
Tuna-92's user avatar
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Putting Legend completely outside the plot in right center

I am trying to create a plot where the legend will be in the right center but completely outside the plot. I am following this answer and using Matplotlib ...
melatonin15's user avatar
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Increase spacing in ggplot legend items [duplicate]

I have two shapefiles of a Country, one containing the geometry of the municipalities and the other regarding the border of the regions of the country. I have to plot the country with the ...
Coppertank's user avatar
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Edit legend title in ggplot2 (3.5.1) [duplicate]

I have successfully edited the x and y axis titles, but I'm stuck on the legend title and labels. Here is the code I have run so far: m.emo.plot <- interact_plot(model = m.emo, pred = cemodiff, ...
medusa's user avatar
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Dynamic positioning of checkboxes next to chart legend in Plotly Dash

I am currently creating a dashboard with Plotly Dash in Python and have a layout problem that I just couldn't fix over the last couple days: I have a bar chart with a metric, that is always shown and ...
Nimant's user avatar
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How to avoid overlapping legends for multiple geom_point layers in ggplot2

I'm trying to create a chart with 2 geom_points and a geom_text_repel layer. When I display my legend, the geom_points overlap. The main data points should be represented as empty circles, while the &...
NoNameBoyy's user avatar
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How to Add a Legend to a ggplot with two axes

I've put together this graph and I would like to be able to add a legend to it but can't seem to figure out why it's not showing up and how to easily add it. data <- data.frame(group = LETTERS[1:5],...
Patrick Jung's user avatar
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Centering a `ggplot2` Plot Legend in a Blank Plot

I have the following graph. ggplot() + geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0, linetype = "Line 1"), color = "white", size = 1.25) + geom_hline(aes(yintercept = 0, linetype = "Line ...
David Moore's user avatar
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Changing the Legend Title in a `ggpointdensity` Density Scatterplot [duplicate]

I have the following data and the following graph. df <- data.frame(col1 = rnorm(1000, 0, 0.05), col2 = rnorm(1000, 0, 0.05)) ggplot(data = df, mapping = aes(x = col1, y = col2)) + ...
David Moore's user avatar
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Seaborn catplot legend's background color and border

MWE from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import seaborn as sb df = sb.load_dataset("titanic") g = sb.catplot( data=df, x="who", y="survived", hue="class", ...
Gaslight Deceive Subvert's user avatar
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Add legend after using

I have a data set with a big negative value, so I used package to make a discontinuous y-axis. The code worked well but after adding the function the legend was deleted. I tried adding a ...
Gonzalo de Quesada's user avatar
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How can I make the legend appear on this chart?

I've drawn this quartile for the runoff rate, and I'd like the legend to appear as: - Median and - Q25-Q75. Can you please help me? Runoff <- data.frame(Year = rep(1991:2002, each = 12), ...
Barre's user avatar
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Adapting the leaflet.js Choropleth example with non static legend

I am trying to use the beautiful base example Choropleth, but would like to have a second base map, with a second legend that would be linked to the base map used (therefore not anymore static), with ...
leparc's user avatar
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Plot X and Y chart with third column as legend for each point in Excel or Google Sheets [duplicate]

I am having difficulty understanding why it is so difficult to do something so simple in R or Python in Excel or Google Sheets. I want to plot Status1 versus Status2 in a simple X and Y plot. However, ...
Marcelo's user avatar
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2 legends on graph matplotlib [duplicate]

I want to plot a number of curves for different models. I have curves for different structures. The structures need to have the same color and the different models a different linestyle. I then want 2 ...
Loes Vandenbroucke's user avatar
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Plotting problems in python script vs jupyter notebook

I am encountering issues with my plotting code when running it as a Python script in PyCharm. The plots overlap, and the legends are not displayed, which does not happen when I run the same code in a ...
JuanMuñoz's user avatar
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Why the legend merged with the d3.js line chart when zooming?

I am trying to add a legend to the d3.js example named Line chart with zoom in d3.js 1°) I added the script: // Add legend rectangle line.append('rect') .attr('x', width - 80) ....
Vincent Schoebrechts's user avatar
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I want to get two legends for two different groups in a two Y-Axis plot [closed]

so I have a two Y-Axis plot. Each Y-Axis is given a group of Data. I want to have two different legends for each group on left and right side of plot on the locations shown in the second picture. This ...
Nick Brown's user avatar
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Change Orientation and Order of Items in Legend ggplot2 r [duplicate]

Is there a way to change the orientation of the items in the legend of ggplot2 chart? I have a series of boxplots where I would like the individual items to oriented vertically opposed to horizontally....
Englishman Bob's user avatar
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Tableau: Can I have a button that the user can press to choose the color palette of a visual (map)

I am fairly new to Tableau. I have a map. I wonder if I can have a button or something that a user can interact to change the colour palette of the legend. This is useful for example, for color-blind ...
Catarina Ribeiro's user avatar
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Variable legend outlined in appropriate color, but filled with black dot

I have used ggplot in R to generate a dot plot with three "samples" (Adipocytes, BAT and WAT) which are colored by ""group". The plot is correct, but the "group" ...
Numbahs84's user avatar
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When converting a ggplot() using ggplotly(), the legend is distorted. How can I prevent this

Here's the plot as generated by ggplot() And here it is as mashed by ggplotly() How can I fix the second plot to look like the first with respect to the legend? Please ignore the differences in the ...
Charles Knell's user avatar
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Sorting rows of a matrix by column values in Power BI

I've created a matrix in Power BI similar to the one below. The entries are a calculated field. I can sort the rows by the "Total" column and the "Name" column by clicking on the ...
Chris J's user avatar
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Legend is not shown using ggplot2 despite using color within aes()

I have a problem making the plot legend to show. I've checked other posts and most of them mention that color should be defined within the aes() of the ggplot. So I have the following dataset: date ...
Tassos Pan's user avatar
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Order of items in an R graph legend are different depending on different datasets of the same data

Newish to R and Stack Overflow but I wrote some R code to make grouped boxplots for chlorophyll data by season and site while including a water quality criteria reference line. It may not be the most ...
MrFury37's user avatar
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How to prevent hiding plotly chart bar on chart legend click

How to prevent hiding plotly chart bar on chart legend click in an angular application. <plotly-plot [divId]="" [data]="graph.selectedGraph....
vijesh's user avatar
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Why is the coding for legend on my barplot not working after update?

I updated Rstudio and suddenly none of my legends are working on my barplots. It's my first time asking for help on here, so hopefully I am providing the info needed to get answers? Coding is below. ...
Rebecca Connor's user avatar
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How to center legend text in ggplot

I have a plot that looks like this: I used these data and code to produce it: structure(list(zone = c("Zone 1", "Zone 2", "Zone 3", "Zone 4", "Zone 5&...
Ryan Gary's user avatar
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Specify which legend to keep in wrap_plots

I'm looking to combine multiple graphs generated from different functions into a single display. Specifically, I want to only keep the legend of the first graph in the wrap. Here is a minimal version ...
NoNameBoyy's user avatar
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Legend is not reflecting symbol plotted in ggplot2

I have a dataframe that looks like this: structure(list(season = c("Fall", "Spring", "Summer", "Winter" ), effort = c(2559.85453311966, 4741.60449074074, 2014....
Ryan Gary's user avatar
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