Using CalendR to plot fishing days for boats. How do you go about reordering legend levels e.g. boat names first then public holidays last?

Load packages, create events & plot calander:

## load packages

## events
events <- rep(NA, 366) ## 2024 is a leap year

## corresponding events
events[c(3, 22, 45, 63, 100, 140, 195, 234, 300)] <- "Big Catch" ## boat 1
events[c(36, 59, 78, 123, 167, 210, 289, 340)] <- "Fish Tales" ## boat 2
events[c(25, 80, 90, 155, 255, 297, 339)] <- "Marlin" ## boat 3
events[c(1, 89, 92, 142, 143, 239, 360, 361)] <- "Holiday" ## holidays

## holiday to come last
desired_order <- factor(c(levels = c("Big Catch", "Fish Tales", "Marlin", "Holiday"))) 

## select desired order and colourway
show_col(viridis_pal()(5)) ## colour palette = viridis
print(viridis_pal()(5)) ## copy values from consol

## order colours
ordered_colours <- c("#3b528bff", "#21908cff", "#5dc863ff", "lightgray")[order(desired_order)]

## plot
calendR(year = 2024, start = "M",
        special.days = events,
        special.col = c(ordered_colours), 
        lty = 1, bg.col = "white",    
        subtitle.col = 1,
        weeknames = c("M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S", "S"),
        day.size = 3.5,
        orientation = "l",
        legend.pos = "bottom")

I'm looking for the legend to display Big Catch, then Fish Tales and then Marlin, with Holiday last. Mine switches to alphabetical order when plotting.

1 Answer 1


Havent't found an option to set the order for the fill colors. But one option would be to use scale_fill_manual and set the order via the limits= argument:


ordered_colours <- setNames(ordered_colours, c("Big Catch", "Fish Tales", "Marlin", "Holiday"))

  year = 2024, start = "M",
  special.days = events,
  special.col = c(ordered_colours),
  lty = 1, bg.col = "white",
  subtitle.col = 1,
  weeknames = c("M", "T", "W", "T", "F", "S", "S"),
  day.size = 3.5,
  orientation = "l",
  legend.pos = "bottom"
) +
    values = ordered_colours,
    limits = names(ordered_colours),
    na.value = "transparent"
#> Scale for fill is already present.
#> Adding another scale for fill, which will replace the existing scale.

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