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Leaflet Map Tiles Disoriented When Deployed on EC2 Instance

I'm encountering an issue with Leaflet map tiles appearing disoriented when I deploy my application on an EC2 instance. The tiles load correctly when I run the app locally, but once it's deployed to ...
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0 answers

Performance Issue with Polyline Rendering on React Leaflet Map

I am experiencing a performance issue with the polyline component of the Leaflet map library in React.js. I have a large dataset of traffic congestion data (approximately 5,000 to 10,000 polylines) ...
1 vote
2 answers

React Leaflet update position

I've got a question about React Leaflet. I am now trying to build a PWA with the react framework and I need to use a map, hence React Leaflet. So here's the situation : I need to load the Map when I ...
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0 answers

error when trying to display a multipolygon in react with leaflet

I have the following function // Función para unir los polígonos superpuestos export const unifyPolygons = (zones: Zone[]) => { const turfPolygons = => turf.polygon([zone....
1 vote
4 answers

How change size of Map in Leaflet v3 React (Inmutable properties)

I´ve been reading the changelog in v3 and I see several changes. The Map component is replaced by MapContainer, behaving differently, among other things that props are immutable I would like to create ...
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1 answer

React-Leaflet how to make circle change size relative to zoom

In React-Leaflet I put a L.circleMarker in some coordinate and and gave it some radius. when I zoom in the radius size shrinks, but I want it to grow bigger. for example if I drew a circle around New-...
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0 answers

Refused to load the image because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "default-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' data:"

I'm building an application that uses Electron Forge, React and Leaflet to display maps. However, when adding a map to my page, the following error is displayed in the console: Refused to load the ...
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0 answers

How can I improve React Leaflet performance when rapidly updating a marker position?

I'm working on a page which reads GPX files (a series of lat/lon GPS points) and plots the route using React Leaflet as well as showing an elevation profile using react-chartjs-2. When hovering over ...
0 votes
4 answers

react-leaflet map is not correcly displayed in Ionic 5

When i am trying to display map in mobile view i see broken map: - in this link is description why it doesn't work but use 'invalidSize()' doesn't work ...
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0 answers

How to get rid of React Leaftlet map gray area while scrolling vertically

Hey guys I have use React Leafnet in my web app, everything seems working fine when I scroll map horizontally it loads new map images nicely but when I scroll map vertically, than after some position ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to fix 'TypeError: leaflet__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7___default.a.markerClusterGroup is not a function'

I am trying to implement marker cluster on my multiple markers but I keep getting type error. TypeError: leaflet__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_7___default.a.markerClusterGroup is not a function this....
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0 answers

How to dynamically use fallback tiles from the previous zoom level of the same server in Leaflet?

I'm working on a mapping application using React with Leaflet for tile rendering. When tiles fail to load (due to network issues, server downtime, tiles not available), I want to dynamically use ...
18 votes
5 answers

React leaflet not rendering properly

The react-leaflet map does not get rendered properly. The map is rendered outside of its parent's boundaries Some tiles of the map are missing The problem occurs when using the map with standard ...
0 votes
0 answers

React Leaflet Marker Change Rerenders Every Other Marker Causing Performance Issues

I'm trying to build a quick leaflet map akin to It's a map with a bunch of markers (up to 2000 in my case) and it will have a sidebar with more in-depth details about the markers that ...
2 votes
6 answers

LeafLet implementation on Next JS 13

I trying to implement a LeafLet map component in my Next JS 13.0.1 project, but I'm having a problem with the render of the map component. In the first load of the map component, this error appears: ...

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