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How to get rid of React Leaftlet map gray area while scrolling vertically

Hey guys I have use React Leafnet in my web app, everything seems working fine when I scroll map horizontally it loads new map images nicely but when I scroll map vertically, than after some position ...
nehat khan's user avatar
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React leaflet creates a new marker point and then adds the popup on that point

I have a react-leaflet application that renders a map with a ClusterGroup. The map is rendered correctly with the points but when I try to click on the point in the map to show a popup for the ...
Erick's user avatar
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How do I resolve these errors with React 17 and react-leaflet?

I am in the process of upgrading my application to React 17 and using function based components. In the old version of React, everything was class based. The map in the old version used leaflet 1.7.1. ...
maestro777's user avatar
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How to get coordinates of current mouse click in leaflet react js

I'm trying to get coordinates of where the mouse clicks on the map but .locate() only returns the center coordinates of the map. Is there a way? ps. I am not using class based react. Thanks <...
Firas SCMP's user avatar
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Is it possible to display react leafletjs markers on specific zoom levels?

I'm using react Leaflet js map, and I'm displaying markers of fetched data from my database on the map, but the issue is that I have kind of 5000 markers and it's a lot to display on zoom level 9, so ...
Firas SCMP's user avatar
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Can react-leaflet handle indoor maps levels?

I'm building an react map for indoor location, I need to handle the levels of the building. Can react-leaflet handle this?, I am a newbie in Maps. This is an example built in ruby about What I am ...
Mauricio De armas's user avatar
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React LeafletJs Map doesn't re-render even on state change? [duplicate]

So I am creating an IP Address tracker wherein I use an API to get the coordinates using IP and then update those coordinates to the respective states but even on updating the states the map doesn't ...
Tushar saxena's user avatar
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map.getCenter and map.getBounds are not functions inside'click') function

I am creating an app that makes use of the leaflet OpenStreetMap API but I am running into a problem. I am trying to get the center coordinates when I click my map, but i am getting the error: '...
yourivdloo's user avatar
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How to flyTo and then getBounds around location based on selected location in react-leaflet

How can i zoom on particular location or flyTo that particular location dynamically when location selected dynamically from list of cities dropdown and the getBounds around that location. I am trying ...
DharmikSoni's user avatar
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How to call getFeatureInfo from react-leaflet? [closed]

I have example from github how to add wms layer: but how to getFeatureInfo on click from wms layer?
Sergey Komarov's user avatar
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How to use maps as location input in react?

I am trying to make a form that a user can search their location or pin his location. I am using react-leaflet for loading a map and react-leaflet-search for adding the search functionality. The ...
Ritesh Jung Thapa's user avatar
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Pointers on how to use leaflet's polyline in reactjs & react-leaflet

I am very new to React and leaflet. I am trying to plot a set of latitudes and longitudes that is available in an object on a map in React using leaflet. Any pointers on how this can be done will be ...
Shriprada S's user avatar
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Leaflet re-render a map with new data in a React app

given the following implementation: getCurrentMap() { const {currentlyActiveMap: {task, type, layout}} = this.mapStore if (this.currentMap) this.currentMap.eachLayer(layer => { this....
studiobrain's user avatar
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How to manually control react-leaflet popups (via props) within a geojson layer?

I'm using react-leaflet to render a geojson feature collection that has points and linestrings: I was able to get the click and hover events on the actual features themselves to work just fine. But ...
Kyle Pennell's user avatar
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Slow Performance for filtering markers in react-leaflet

I need an advice for the react-leaftlet port of leaflet. I am generating markers on a map and use marker clustering with react-leaflet-markercluster. Each markerdata is associated with some data. I ...
Mario's user avatar
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