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Questions tagged [electron-forge]

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Do I need to sign the code for automatic updates?

I'm using electron-release-server. In the code: const server = 'https://release.%2A%2A%2A%2A%2A%2Aru/' const url = ${server}/update/win64/0.0.0/stable/RELEASES autoUpdater.setFeedURL({ url }) app....
narem's user avatar
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Electron Forge does not pass specific `arch` for universal Mac builds

We are using ffmpeg-static in our Electron app, and creating a universal mac build via electron-forge and under the hood electron/universal. But only the arm64 ffmpeg binary exists in the final app. ...
Ethan's user avatar
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Cannot set up Vue DevTools plugin in electron Vue3 Vite app

I am trying to create an electron application using electron forge, Vue3 and Vite by following the instructions at . I have modified the ...
Karthik Sankaran's user avatar
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Refused to load the image because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: "default-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' data:"

I'm building an application that uses Electron Forge, React and Leaflet to display maps. However, when adding a map to my page, the following error is displayed in the console: Refused to load the ...
Felipe César's user avatar
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Electron Forge Complains I need Git (but I have Git installed)

I need help with Electron Forge. I have my electron.js project completed. Since I want to have an installer working, I have turned to Electron Forge. I followed a tutorial online and I got an error ...
xarzu's user avatar
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How can i fix Electron problem: Error: ENOTDIR, not a directory?

I'm using an electron for the first time. I ran into a problem when building the application. I do everything according to the documentation, I use electron-forge. npm run make runs without problems, ...
Казбек Сабанаев's user avatar
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Electron Forge resolving path to node module using absolute path rather than using relative path

I'm trying to create an app that include the get-windows npm package, but I cannot distribute my app because Electron Forge is using resolving the package to an absolute path rather than a relative ...
atrinh's user avatar
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How to add `tailwindcss` to my Vue + Electron Forge project?

I'm doing my first sample project using Vue + Electron Forge with the template vite+typescript. Now I want to add tailwind but I can't seem to find any useful documentation online. This is my project ...
David Peña's user avatar
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App not getting removed from start up items after uninstallation

App not getting removed from start up items after uninstallation const key = new WinReg({ hive: WinReg.HKCU, key: '\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run' }); const appName = 'airtel_reflect'...
Jitendra Singh's user avatar
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Electron Forge with Vue 3 integration doesn't work

i want develop an Electron app integrated with Vue 3 using electron forge. I've followed this official documentation Electron Vue integration . But when i run the command npm start the application ...
Tom's user avatar
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Bundling executable binary for each platform with electron-forge

I would like to bundle pandoc executable binary for each platform (for Windows, macOS, Linux) in my electron app using electron-forge. I want to contain the binary in bin directory. How I can ...
KiYugadgeter's user avatar
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Use electron-forge's vite,typescript template to open child window in renderer.ts

I am trying to create a desktop app using the electron-forge vite,typescript template. this: //main.ts import { app, BrowserWindow } from '...
maeyamadot's user avatar
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Electron Forge app works in development but not after packaging

I'm using Electron Forge to build my Electron application. The app runs perfectly in development mode using electron-forge start, but after packaging it with electron-forge package or electron-forge ...
zhu's user avatar
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How to create a Windows installer with UAC prompt using electron-forge?

Is it possible for electron-forge to display a UAC prompt before installation? I looked at the Electron Forge documentation, and it doesn't have any configuration to allow a UAC prompt before ...
Julio de Leon's user avatar
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How to specify the update location for Electron Wix MSI installer?

We are considering Electron for our next app and we have several enterprise customers that require that they be able to change the install location. Because of this, I'm trying to use Electron Forge'...
dransom90's user avatar
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