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Questions tagged [hierarchical-clustering]

Hierarchical clustering is a clustering technique that generates clusters at multiple hierarchical levels, thereby generating a tree of clusters. Hierarchical clustering provides advantages to analysts with its visualization potential.

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Does DBCV score for density based clustering algorithms reward more granular clusters?

I am trying to run a hyperparameter search for HDBSCAN based on the DBCV scores. From what I observe, the DBCV score is generally higher for more granular clusters. Is it because DBCV rewards granular ...
Tanay's user avatar
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Is Riskfolio's HCPortfolio working right?

enter image description hereThis is a portion of my project where it yields the following graphic. I noticed how the correlation between EWH and MCHI (which is usually move in parallel to each other) ...
maeta cherdsatirakul's user avatar
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Clustering issue

I am learning clustering techniques and recently i have been working on a sample dataset(of a leading bank for customer segmentation)for the purpose of performing heirarchial and K-means clustering ...
Jerry123's user avatar
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Adjusted Rand Index and Adjusted Mutual Information Score the same for BIRCH and Agglomerative Clustering?

I have a randomly generated dataset of synthetic clusters, with 25 files (each can contain up to 6 clusters with up to 15 points each) for each dimension from 2 to 100. My issue is that it seems that ...
Regina Deri's user avatar
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What are the right metrics to validate the performance of a custom clustering model with three possible outcomes?

I have developed a custom clustering model on top of MiniBatchKmeans, that has three possible outcomes for each data point: Assign the point to the correct cluster. Assign the point to the wrong ...
Sanjay Mythili's user avatar
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Is there code resource about DDC-K-Means algorithm

code resource about this paper "Hierarchical Aggregation Approach for Distributed clustering of spatial datasets", why paper put code up to github. Oops '_'? this paper I have search some ...
John Chat's user avatar
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Applying Representation Model on Non-Leaf Nodes in Hierarchical Topics with BERTopic

I am currently using BERTopic for topic modeling on a set of documents and have integrated an OpenAI model as the representation layer, as outlined in the BERTopic documentation. I am also interested ...
Alioio's user avatar
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How to use the Agglomerative Clustering algorithm from scikit-learn python library with a declared number of objects in the cluster?

I use the scikit-learn Agglomerative Clustering python library in my code to automatically cluster points and place a new, larger point in the center of the cluster. I have a set of several thousand ...
nxxn's user avatar
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Key word argument "connectivity" in sklearn AgglomerativeClustering does not work as expected

In my Python code, I have a set of objects that I want to cluster based on a given distance matrix. However, there are some objects that should never end up in the same cluster. The number of clusters ...
Alex's user avatar
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Calculating mean of coordinates for each unique value in large dataset for hierarchical analysis

I am a beginner with R, but I have been analysing a large data set of GPS data, made up of unique individuals (name) (approx 100 unique names) with 1,000,000+ lines of data. Each unique name has ...
Jackijones's user avatar
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scipy: How to plot the hierarchical clustering tree

I am interested in plotting the tree represented by the output of hierarchy.to_tree(). To clarify my question, I give the following MWE: import numpy as np from scipy.cluster import hierarchy from ...
super_ask's user avatar
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Hierarchical agglomerative clustering with complete linkage to cluster a 1dimensional dataset

I'm currently working on hierarchical agglomerative clustering and am familiar with its application to datasets presented in tables. However, I'm unsure how to apply this method to a 1-dimensional ...
Vishal Chaudhari's user avatar
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Clustering that results in long and narrow clusters

I have a large set of densely distributed points. Something like the image here. I want to find clusters in the set of points that are one of the following: "long and narrow", meaning that ...
nmhng's user avatar
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How to configure in build keepalived of opensips?

I am trying to configure opensips keepalived for nodes handling in cluster. I followed the instrustions mentioned in this guide. After ...
Aqib Ali's user avatar
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Clusters Documents and Classify New Ones

I am working on a project that has some documents, and, I need to classify them to a categoty. I believe it is topic modeling. One approach is using LLM models. However, I have limited data and ...
Mohammadreza Riahi's user avatar

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