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NLP Collective

A collective focused on NLP (natural language processing), the transformation or extraction of useful information from natural language data.
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Natural Language Processing FAQ

Frequently asked questions relating to NLP. Many of these may be questions that are often asked over and over, duplicates would likely be closed in favor of these. Add the best answer (using the ...
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Transformer Model Repeating Same Codon During Inference Despite High Training Accuracy

I'm working on a transformer-based model to translate amino acids to codons. During training and validation, my model achieves 95-98% accuracy. However, during inference, I encounter an issue where ...
-1 votes
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How to Implement NLP for Text Analysis in Evaluating Business Projects?

I need to evaluate business activities (projects) for eligibility based on specific criteria. We gather data through interviews with stakeholders, capturing details like project names, descriptions, ...
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Error processing user query: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0')

I want to select data from my supabase DB using a function ( calling it with rpc ). However Im getting this problem: Error processing user query: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (...
-3 votes
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how to match job title with vacancies name or vacancy descriptions?

How to match 400 professions to 10,000 job vacancies? I have two files: one contains the profession names and the sector to which they belong, and the second file is 10,000 vacancies from, ...
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How to Estimate GPU Memory for training and inference, Data Requirements, and Training Time for Large Language Models?

This is a very concrete and well-defined computer engineering question. I don't understand why someone would want to close it. Today, I faced this question during an interview for an ML Engineer ...

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Saving Fine-tune Falcon HuggingFace LLM Model

I'm trying to save my model so it won't need to re-download the base model every time I want to use it but nothing seems to work for me, I would love your help with it. The following parameters are ...