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Questions tagged [google-workspace]

Use for questions about Google workspace, a paid solution by Google for all work place needs. Use in addition to the product in question(eg:[gmail],[google-sheets],[google-apps-script])

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To know my previous Google form responses [closed]

I just filled out a Google form on 8th July but I am not sure whether I submitted that form or not. I want to confirm that it was submitted or not. How can I check my previous responses? I have tried ...
Abhisek Panda's user avatar
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Service invoked too many times: Calendar error [closed]

Service called too many times: Calendar error occurred I couldn't upload the schedule to Google Calendar. Which service is over-allocated and causes an alarm like this Please check how we can solve it ...
시공2's user avatar
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Google Apps Script Mail Merge not working with Trigger [closed]

I have this Google Apps Script that I have modified and added and removed things over the months, I am trying to run "sendEmails" automatically but I keep getting this error (shown below, ...
Damian Burgos's user avatar
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Emails being blocked when combining aliases with Default Routing and a catchall address with Routing

I have set up a number of custom routing rules that allow users in our primary domain to receive emails via a custom alias at their secondary domain. This has been done through Default Routing as ...
Hugo Pakula's user avatar
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API Quota limit 250 Query

I want to know API limit of 250 per user per second means 250 is concerned to the developer account of company or 250 is the limit to user's email that we integrate like we are x company and we have a,...
Varun Deepak Kotwani's user avatar
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Can't see who answered questionnaire. email addresses not populated

I created a questionnaire in google forms. I required email address be collected. when I went to look at the responses, it shows the responses but no names or email addresses are attached even with a ...
Tonia Moore's user avatar
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How to access rules in content compliance in gmail setting , google workspace admin console , "PROGRAMMATICALLY"

I need to programmatically access the content compliance rules set in the Gmail settings from the Google Workspace Admin Console. Could you please advise if there is an available API or any other ...
shayan amar's user avatar
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Which user account’s authorizations are used by a calendar sync function?

I think the title is self-explanatory, but here are some options I can think of: the account of the calendar owner The account of the user who created the calendar event
skidalgo's user avatar
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"Invalid deployment ID" error while setting configuration of Google Chat API

I am trying to create a google chat app but I am getting "Invalid deployment ID" error I am trying to create a google chat app and publishing using the instructions written in https://...
Hulusi Turgut's user avatar
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accessing google drive folders in google script [closed]

I have links to google drive folders in my google script but when my users go to click on them it says that they don't have access. The problem I am having is that I did give them access and it still ...
Parker Bishop's user avatar
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How does the execution happen when a Google Apps Script is run as a webapp?

I'm trying to understand how an Google Apps Script deployment actually work, and my question has two parts: When an Apps Script is run as a web application, and multiple users access it using the ...
drox's user avatar
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Google Form to assign tasks [closed]

I've created a Google Form for submission requests. I've added the Performflow add-on to email a group to approve the task submission. The issue I'm having is that performflow allows the entire ...
Kimberly Jenkins's user avatar
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Send mail function is not working, it gives no authorization to send mail. But the authorization is there and it sends email on test email function

function onEdit(e) { try { var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet(); if (sheet.getName() === "To Do List" && e.range....
Janda Devi Nepal Energy Files's user avatar
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ExportLink to download google doc history always return 429

The file has 100 histories. And Code is like below: $request = $this->service->files->export( $item['file_id'], ...
吴婕妤's user avatar
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google sheet url is not following the expected strcture

Yesterday I noticed that google api is formatting the sheet url different than before. According to the Google Sheets API docs, the format of a google sheet url should be:
Soroush Fallah's user avatar
-2 votes
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What are the usage limits & costs for the Google People API? [closed]

I am working on a chrome extension that I would like to offer to around 500 people for free using the Google People API. Does anyone know the usage costs for the Google People API? I am trying to ...
Raphael Ernst's user avatar
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Splitting a phrase across cells

UPDATED: Here are my requirements: i want to input a phrase along the lines of: X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X_X in column D i want the app scripts to run so that when i input this in the column DR from row 3 ...
user25741535's user avatar
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Custom terms of service for Google Workspace users

Assume I have a business Google workspace with several existing users who are all using the standard Google services as part of their work (Gmail, Drive, Calendar, etc.). For legal purposes, I would ...
anishthecoder's user avatar
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Unable to access google applications on SSO using SAML. Google workspace is Service provider and Okta is IDP

I’m trying to connect to Google Workspace via Okta IDP using SAML 2.0 for our company (to all users). I’ve tried using 1-click configuration to configure Google Workspace directly and added missing ...
PallaviD's user avatar
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How to find whether a group is dynamic or not from the Google Admin Sdk Api?

I have tried checking the group response( from the Google Admin Sdk Directory Api but couldn’t find any property which could ...
Rupali Jain's user avatar
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Is there a way to fetch a list of computer assets from google workspace directory API?

I'm trying to fetch a list of computer assets (Linux, macOS, and Windows) from the Google Workspace Directory API but haven't found any relevant documentation. In the available documentation, there ...
Madhana S.K's user avatar
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Google Sheet Python API Cell formatting issue with 'repeatCell' request, resulting in no replies

I am trying to format multiple cells with spreadsheets().batchUpdate(spreadsheetId=ssid, body=body).execute() firstly, I get formatting request using the following functions: #this function gets ...
Yunjong Guk's user avatar
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Google Apps Script is not exporting PDF blob correctly

I am scripting a tool that creates a copy from Google Slide file (a template) and replaces some data in the Slides with data from a Spreadsheet. Then it adds the link to the file in the same ...
Miguel Martin's user avatar
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sending OAuth gmail from a web server as a specific workspace user in Java

I am a google workspace administrator, and we use gmail for our domain. I have a server-side application that sends out email as a specific gmail user, say "[email protected]". This ...
Azad Bolour's user avatar
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onEdit event triggers when a row is deleted

I am using onEdit trigger in Google Sheet to send an email notification based on cell changes with certain conditions. That works fine, but the trigger also fires when a row is deleted and I get an ...
Darek Madejski's user avatar
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Could not install my un-published Google Workspace add-on

I developed a Google Workspace add-on in Google App Script. I tried to test the add-on by follow this guide:, which ...
Nam Nguyen's user avatar
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How do I stop trigger error notiification email messages

How do I stop these messages? I have not used this for years and I do not see where to resolve. I click on the "click here" and it says that I have no triggers set up. I click on the "...
Chris Caughman's user avatar
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DKIM via API in Google Admin (G-Suite)

Is there an api to generate new DKIM Keys from Google Workspace? Or, bulk generate DKIM Keys for multiple domains? We have multiple domains managed at a signle account. So, I'm trying to generate DKIM ...
Ssri's user avatar
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Google Workspace sandbox environment

I'd like to test a Google Apps Script that I'm building and I'm looking for a place to test it. It's a script that will be executed by a service account and collecting information on users in an OU. ...
Gemini's user avatar
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Video using Google Slides Api

I have been trying load a video in a presentation. I can do it, if the to provide of Google Drive or Youtube, but I wanna do it from storage of firebase. This is my code: const requests = [ { ...
jorozco's user avatar
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Server Error when trying to use LockService functions

I have a Looker Studio custom connector written in Google Apps Script. In the connector, I am using the LockService's tryLock(), hasLock(), and releaseLock() functions to prevent concurrent execution ...
Aadi Shukla's user avatar
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Avoid/Clear UrlFetchApp cache when fetching a RSS feedin Google Script

I encounter a problem on Google Apps Script. The use of the script is to get RSS feed URLs to fetch from a Google Sheet and if new article(s) are detected (comparing the GUIDs from the fetch to a GUID ...
Nonouille's user avatar
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Contact Form in NextJS using Google Workspace

I have an account on google workspace and I'd like to add to my website a contact form. Could anyone gave me a tip how could I do that correctly? I'mthinking of using Google API and Nodemailer but I ...
Korer's user avatar
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createSubscription is not working for the meeting recorded through different account of same domain

I have an appscript code to get notification with recording details on an endpoint of our application whenever a google meet recording gets created. This code is working fine when I use the same ...
Shivam Kourav's user avatar
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Get access to hyperlinks which was added in UI

I'm trying to get access to all hyperlinks in my sheet using python and gsheet api v4. But fields='sheets/data/rowData/values/hyperlink' is not working, valueRenderOption=FORMULA not working because ...
Александр Чиликин's user avatar
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Unable to import certificates to Google Chrome

Hardware : Google Chromebook Plus OS: Version 125.0.6422.140 (Official Build) (64-bit) I am unable to install client certificates (.crt,.pfx,.p7b) to my chrome browser. Every time I try to import a ...
Harshikesh Panchal's user avatar
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Gmail api sent mails having header Received: from named unknown and being marked as spam

Mails that I am sending to the gmail api end point have the following header which marks them as dangerous(I've tested sending mails manually with the exact same content and this is the only ...
lewstherinth's user avatar
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User Cancel of HTML modal dialog

I'm trying to create a dialog box with HTML content that allows the user to confirm updates with a yes button. It mostly works the way I've done it but if the user clicks the [X] to close the dialog ...
James Risse's user avatar
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Google notification api for groups

so i am using google users api, so for users whenever there is a change there is api with which i can register my url and once registered i ...
Dom's user avatar
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Google.Apis.Admin.Directory.directory_v1 : combination of service account, domain-wide delegation and user impersonation needed for UpdateUser?

Here is a code to repro and screenshots to demonstrate the impersontead user permissions The readUser is working but not the updateUser => why ? Please note that I have waited 1 day between the ...
Christophe Blin's user avatar
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Google Sheets not showing the last column in full

I have a couple of sheets that won't scroll all the way to the right to display the last column in full. I have tried adding in columns beside it & adjusting the width. This sheet is using the ...
Ahmed Rizk's user avatar
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How to set up webhooks for new events in Google Calendar using Google Calendar API?

I'm developing an application that integrates with Google Calendar, and I need to receive real-time notifications whenever a new event is created in a user's calendar. I have enabled the Google ...
Vikas Kumawat's user avatar
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Google workspace add-on install trigger with toolbar failed

It is very weird! The same code(attached below), user take diff installation ways, diff effects. Success situation: User A -> click menu item in Add-on menu to install trigger(Google sheet onEdit ...
Esone's user avatar
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Google Meet Space creation using meet api and service account Error: 7 PERMISSION_DENIED: Permission denied on resource Space (or it might not exist)

Iam trying to create meeting spaces using service accounts, but i get "Error: 7 PERMISSION_DENIED: Permission denied on resource Space (or it might not exist)" although i followed the same ...
Wisely D Cruizer's user avatar
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Shared mailbox in google workplace

I'm new to google workplace, and started to migrate our maildomain to google. Since we're a non-profit organisation, we got a free limited license. We want to work efficiently with shared mailboxes (...
Dave's user avatar
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Google Workspace ETL

We are planning a Google Workspace archive. We are trying to back up everything, including emails, files in Google Drive, and Admin console reports. We are thinking of using Python and Airflow to ...
Anh Nguyen's user avatar
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When using PowerShell cmdlet Set-PSGSuiteConfig in a function it always fails with a path error

I can successfully set my PSGSuite config when is is part of my script but when I put this into a function it always fails with "Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Path' because it is null." ...
Jeff Greene's user avatar
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Can't get refresh token with Google Oauth

I'm using CURL to get access token and refresh token. Now i have 2 functions: public function handle_google_oauth_request() { if (isset($_POST['authorize'])) { $auth_url = '...
Dmytro Streliany's user avatar
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Uids for the folders of Gmail

In c#, .Net integration of gmail emails module into my project i.e. CRM! Can we access the uids of different folders of gmail? **Is Gmail providing any Uids for the folders? ** I am using IMAP client ...
Abdullah Akhtar's user avatar
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Onedit update cells use row ID in B2 to locate row line

I'm trying to make a customer profile page to make viewing selected clients easy on the eye and to edit. I want to edit and update on edit the data from the easy on the eye section (cells B3, B5, C3, ...
Luan's user avatar
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