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Questions tagged [google-roads-api]

The Google Roads API identifies the roads a vehicle was traveling along and provides additional metadata about those roads, such as speed limits.

1 vote
1 answer

Google Directions Api Problem on optimisation

i am using directions api with some waypoints. the thing is that its not optimized, it goes with the order of my array and not with the most efficient order. i dont want the order of my array to take ...
2 votes
2 answers

How to update marker using live location along a polyline?

My question titles seems to be an existing one, but here is my complete scenario. I have an activity for Map based operations, where am drawing a polyline along a road, lets say a route between two ...
-2 votes
1 answer

Matching Geopoints to road on map

I tried to create an app which track the current user position and I want to display it on a map. The problem is, when I drive by car I get 2 geopoints and if there was a curve between, then it only ...
3 votes
1 answer

Google Roads API "Requested entity was not found" [closed]

I am trying to use the Google Roads API but it is returning an error when I use the example! If I type the following URL into my browser I get the following response:
-2 votes
1 answer

Speed limit does not work, but snap to roads and the other features does

When I access this link :,-9.03741754643809|38.6896537,-9.1770515|41.1399289,-8.6094075&key=YOUR_API_KEY for google ROADS API it ...
2 votes
2 answers

Google Roads API - HTTP Error 403: Forbidden

Context and problem: I am trying to extract the speed limits of some roads using the Google Roads API. When I try to execute the basic example described on the website, I get the error HTTPError: HTTP ...
2 votes
1 answer

Roads API Snap to Road Using GeoJSON

I have 3 LineString features. I am trying to send coordinates from these 3 LineString features to the Roads API so I can get clean, snapped lines on the map. I've been trying to adapt the example ...
0 votes
2 answers

Google Maps API - Show all local roads when zoomed out

Hi my first post on Stackoverflow. When viewing country areas in Google maps the screen is very sparse. I would like to make all local roads visible at a wider loom level. At present the local roads ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is there a good way to minimize load on Google Maps Roads API?

I am developing a proof of concept/prototype for an internal tool. The basic premise is, that we have a couple of units that have a GPS on them, and they report their location (with typical GPS ...
4 votes
2 answers

Google Maps Roads API: Making 'snap to road' more forgiving

I've been tasked with using the Google Maps API to create a tool which a restaurant can use to define delivery zones. Here is the progress: Users should be ...
0 votes
1 answer

Draw custom route on map [duplicate]

I have university area and its Google map routing is undefined inside university. I want to define the roads from academic building to parking because inside university the route on the map not shown....
-1 votes
2 answers

How to extract the Lat/Long from Google Maps RoadsApi from a SnappedPoints response?

I am using the Google Maps Java API for the RoadsApi: Docs: API: My request is ...
1 vote
1 answer

Determine intermediate lat/long at regular time interval in a route

I'm trying to determine a list of intermediate latitude & longitude assuming a given road route from source to destination. For example - Suppose my source is Kansas City, MO & destination is ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Names of streets adjacent to a building in Google Places API

I'm retrieving geocoordinates for particular locations (e.g. a trainstation) using the Google Maps Places API. I would now like to get the names of streets adjacent to the building (e.g. on two or ...
0 votes
0 answers

I am getting "Cannot resolve method 'snapToRoads()' " error for the following to fix it?

I am trying to use Google Roads api, in which want to call a method snapToRoads, but I am facing an issue. I tried to use other method of snapToRoads, but it also shows same error LatLng[] page = ...

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