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Questions tagged [google-roads-api]

The Google Roads API identifies the roads a vehicle was traveling along and provides additional metadata about those roads, such as speed limits.

5 votes
1 answer

How can I extrapolate farther along a road?

Given realtime location data of a moving device over a short period of time, how can I get a lat/long pair further along this road, say, 2 miles, or even better, 5 minutes worth of driving? I see ...
Ken's user avatar
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Use Snap-To-Roads-APIs for bike paths

I would like to use the snap-to-roads functionality to normalize bike paths. Bikes sometimes follow different rules (they may drive in the wrong direction of a one-way street). Is it possible to use "...
Sarah Mang's user avatar
0 votes
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iOS - Snap To Road API with more than 100 coordinates

I know how to use the snap to road API and parse the response, show it on the map etc.. However, the snap to road API has a limitation of 100 coordinates/request. Let's say I have an array of 100+ ...
Balázs Vincze's user avatar
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snap-to-road returns empty response

I'm referring to this API I'm getting empty response from the API. There is no error, just {} in the response, instead of "snappedPoints" What does it mean ? Where can I find the documentation ...
Mandar Vaze's user avatar
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2 answers

Google Map Road API not interpolating path and not giving smooth route

I am trying to get smooth route for below route path using road API in Roads Inspector but not getting smooth route.Google road api failing to provide smooth route.Some portion of route is not smooth ...
Shankar Phadatare's user avatar
2 votes
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Roads API snapped polyline just a straight line

i currently working with roads API and try to use lat long from my database for the path. but the polylines just draw a straight line between the points and is not following the road function ...
Francis Rubia's user avatar
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how to use google road api with polyline

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%> <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <...
vinoth kanna's user avatar
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How to request in roads api using snap to roads?

i would like to use the roads api to get the distance of my currentlocation and add the list of Latlng in onLocationChanged and to snap a set of coordinates (approx 100~200 points) to roads and that ...
Aiiz Cabuhat Ü's user avatar
0 votes
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Google Maps' Roads API not working with XHR

I need to snap a Polyline to a road, and I found an example from google that works really well. I tweak it a little bit, and then I get a NetworkError from JavaScript, saying that the response headers ...
guilherme.oc97's user avatar
1 vote
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Interpolate google maps android roads

I'm doing an Android application that get from server LatLng points of a route and write a polyline snapped to road. To get roads points I'm using the Google API Roads., but in the response I only get ...
xmartinez's user avatar
1 vote
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Android Google Maps Polyline not showing on Map

I have made a class that have a method and a locaton listener. The locationListener will be executed every 2 seconds , gets the lat longs and will pass it to the Async Task. The Async Task class will ...
Akshay Sood's user avatar
0 votes
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Getting LatLngs Back From Async Task

I have Successfully implemented the new Google Maps Roads API for snapping my position to Long.. its working fine when I use asyncTask.execute.get() but It Freezes my UI.. I want to know how can I ...
Akshay Sood's user avatar
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Google Maps Roads API returns duplicate coordinates and placeIds

I'm implementing google maps roads API to pick up the coordinates where I clicked on the roads. But it returns more than expected coordinates and placeids. Suppose I set a direction from place A to ...
Poles's user avatar
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set start and end position in google roads API using javascript

I want to know if setting start and end location in the map while I'm retrieving coordinates and placeId through google roads API is possible or not? Because while I initialize Roads API by setting a ...
Poles's user avatar
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Google Maps Roads API: Making 'snap to road' more forgiving

I've been tasked with using the Google Maps API to create a tool which a restaurant can use to define delivery zones. Here is the progress: Users should be ...
Keith Pickering's user avatar

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