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Questions tagged [google-maps-android-api-3]

Version 3 of the Maps SDK for Android is a new implementation with the same API surface as the previous version (all classes and methods remain the same).

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Error "missed interaction because MapUe3Logger was not yet initialized" when trying to click a marker

I'm using Google Maps SDK v3 in my android app, and when I try to click on the marker with custom InfoWindow I get some weird logs in logcat: missed interaction because MapUe3Logger was not yet ...
daniilneykov's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a way to change the position of the Google Maps API buttons in Compose?

I would like to move the map buttons, mainly the Compass button (which appears at the top left) and the My Location button (which appears at the top right) so that I can put them down or in any ...
Ulises Cortés's user avatar
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I want my spinner box index to determine the zoom of the map

I am making a app that shows roadworks near the user, I have implemented a map and and a spinner box with three options I want my spinner box index to determine how zoomed in my map is. when I compile ...
eggy5901's user avatar
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Can I use Google Maps in Android Studio for free (non-commercial use)?

I would like to use Google Maps in my moblie application in Android Studio. Can i use Google Maps for non-commercial use (basically only in Android Studio) for free? In my project i need only map and ...
newbie123's user avatar
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Google Mobile Native Dynamic Maps without MapID is totally free?

From what I understand from many Google Maps API documentations, if I use the Google Mobile Native Dynamic Maps for Android/iOS on XAMARIN without a Map ID (used for map styling), will I be charged if ...
cheikh17's user avatar
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How to change Random location onClickListener android google maps api

hey i'm new with this and I'm trying to implement a button to generate a location polyline. i got the code from here and the code to generate a polyline ...
josh21's user avatar
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Property map not being initialized in fragment

Google map is not being initialized in fragment. Even after trying to call getMapAsync in different fragment lifecycles class MyMapFragment : Fragment(), OnMapReadyCallback { private lateinit var ...
mona-the-rivetertocat's user avatar
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Why is my Android app crashing every time I run a python script with chaquopy?

I am building an Android app that will allow the user to get a picture either by taking it in real time or uploading it from their saved images. Then, it will go through a machine learning script in ...
ba1's user avatar
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Android Google Maps moveCamera causes "IllegalStateException: Illegal height"

When I call moveCamera on a small screen, it throws the following exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Illegal height. This is my code: googleMap.moveCamera( CameraUpdateFactory....
Duncan Lukkenaer's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Can't navigate in google maps activity it always spawns back to my current location

I am new to android development and was working on an app which requires google map activity. Problem I am facing is that when I am trying to pan(or scroll) through the map I am immediately respawned ...
Tushar Verma's user avatar
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Using SupportMapFragment with XML attributes in FragmentContainerView

In my app I used a FragmentContainerView to keep a single fragment, extended from SupportMapFragment. Just like this: < android:name="com.package....
pseusys's user avatar
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SupportMapFragment nested in Fragment makes map not reacting to gestures

I have problem with Google Maps V3. Basically I have application with HomeActivity (AppCompatActivity). In this activity I have HomeFragment (inherits from Fragment) and now what I want is to have ...
otis_d's user avatar
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Failed assertion: line 19 pos 16: 'latitude != null': is not true. Flutter Error

I use flutter and google maps Geolocation is taken to show the current position of the user The map loads correctly but before loading, it shows this error 'package:...
coder's user avatar
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Flutter Exception : The getter 'latitude' was called on null. Receiver: null Tried calling: latitude

This is the code that i have written to get current location and add some markers import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; import 'package:...
coder's user avatar
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How to make google map API markers clickable and open new Activity?

I want to have my markers so that when clicked upon they will open a new activity that will display a list of locations from my SQLite database. If someone could show me the code to add to my markers ...
Brian O'Donoghue's user avatar

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