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Questions tagged [android-mapview]

MapView allows you to create your own Google map-viewing Activity

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React-native-maps white screen, Map not rendering

I use MapView installed from react-native-maps to create map tha covers the home screen import React, {useEffect} from 'react'; import {StyleSheet, View, PermissionsAndroid, Platform} from 'react-...
Tishok's user avatar
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Google MapsSDK for Android failed to load maps module

I'm using Google MapsSDK for Android to show a map view. But map is not loaded and I get the exception from logcat: Considering local module and remote module ...
Xueming Zhang's user avatar
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MapView crash after first load with onBackPressed(), navigateUp()

im trying to work with a MapView, I have almost automated navigation with NavController, but when I go back (navigateUp()) and have to load the map I get this error
Daniel Francos's user avatar
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Jetpack Compose MapView with custom map tile overlay

I'm trying to use AndroidView to create a MapView with custom map tile overlay: AndroidView( modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(), factory = { mapView }, update = {mapView-> ...
Howard Wu's user avatar
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Getting current location via MapView

<View> <MapView mapPadding={{ top: 100, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0 }} showsUserLocation={true} showsMyLocationButton={true} onRegionChange={...
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Maps with Api key not showing the Map

I have been struggling with this map issue for days now still can now find the problem please I will really need help with this issues, I built my mobile app with Expo, in one of my details screen I ...
delle's user avatar
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What is the possible reason of why react native MapView is lagging?

My app have structure like this, MapPage.js that contain expo-barcode-scanner wrapped with Modal and MapView. DetailsPage.js that contain search result/products' details. User can use the barcode ...
Jess's user avatar
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I got undefined, When used Context Hooks to pass values to my components

I'm working on a React Native app that will use expo and context hooks to pass value between components. The problem is that when I introduce MapView in the context and use the value inside my map ...
saygas's user avatar
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Gradient polyline in google maps Android

I am trying to add a gradient polyline while showing routes in android maps. I tried using addSpan but this is creating a black line. lineOption.addSpan( StyleSpan( ...
Rubyna Thapa's user avatar
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React Native Expo app crashes silently in production when using GooglePlacesAutocomplete

Here is how i wrote GooglePlacesAutocomplete, I need to find a way to access the error logs so that i get to the root cause in production. I installed all react-native-maps dependencies with expo ...
Mydhe's user avatar
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why i have this error: view.findViewById<MapView>( must not be null

I'm trying to get mainActivity context and mapView inside my fragment, I tried to write some code but when I write this: contextMain = activity?.baseContext!! mapView = view.findViewById<MapView>...
George Jung's user avatar
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how to get context and mapView in fragment

I created a fragment in which through editText fields I would like to insert numbers to be used as parameters in a function created in another class (the function createPath of the NavFun class). The ...
George Jung's user avatar
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Some controls of Google Map view are under status bar and toolbar

I have an app with transparent toolbar and statusbar and there is map which takes all space of the display but I need to move native controls of Google's map view under toolbar somehow How can it be ...
user924's user avatar
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MapView shows blank google maps on debug build

I am new to React Native, I have a managed Expo workflow and want to build just for preview with EAS and as Expo docs say - I need an API key ...
G-T's user avatar
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How To Loop Through Array Inside a MapView object

I have a MapView that I want to add Markers to. I can successfully add Markers individually but I want to loop through an array of coordinates and add a marker for each location in the array. Whenever ...
Tyler's user avatar
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