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Questions tagged [hive]

Apache Hive is a database built on top of Hadoop and facilitates easy data summarization, ad-hoc queries, and the analysis of large datasets stored in Hadoop compatible distributed file system. Hive provides a mechanism to project structure onto this data and query the data using a SQL-like language called HiveQL. Please DO NOT use this tag for flutter database which is also named Hive, use flutter-hive tag instead.

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Hive Connectvity setup in Abinitio

Can someone help me with how to connect hive from Abinitio? What are the prerequisites for hive setup in abinitio? Thanks Rao Hello All, Can someone help me with how to connect hive from Abinitio? ...
Mutyalarao Ra's user avatar
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AWS EMR - reading multiple "zip" files from S3 bucket returns Your key is too long

In my daily job I use EMR to process large amount of data. This data are stored in CSV files on S3 bucket. The idea I had was to try to process ziped csv files instead of plain csv. In Hive app I use ...
Vape's user avatar
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ANALYZE command not write data into hive metastore

Good day, In SIT, I have manually create a hive table. Follow by manually create a partition on it. Then I copy the bucket file from other table and put inside the partition. At this moment, if I run ...
Panadol Chong's user avatar
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Hive sql repeating records with amount differing only by +-5%?

How to delete repeating records with amount differing only by 5%? by amount in the range amout-5% to amount+5%? Here is an example table on hive [# AMOUNT START_DATE FINISHED_DATE source 1 ...
Liquid skyru's user avatar
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How to test hive functionalities with flutter?

I have a TourDB(in hive) that I need to test: class TourDB { TourDB._(); static TourDB? _instance; factory TourDB.getInstance() { _instance ??= TourDB._(); return _instance!; } ...
Arnob's user avatar
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How Ambari manages Apache hadoop

Ambari is an open source project, but HDP is no longer available for download, so how does Ambari manage components such as Apache Hadoop, Hive, and Spark? Can Ambari directly manage existing Hadoop ...
cocdkl's user avatar
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Split User name from one field to two fields in HIVE

I have a field: Username. the ouput is lastname,firstname (No extra space after the comma) Ultimately, I need to script the display to be firstname lastname. My thought is to split the username on ...
jc_sql's user avatar
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SQL Error [16777217]: Query failed (#20240710_084433_00075_u2prc): Start token not found where expected

I'm trying to create table in trino using hive-connector and minio as storage layer to query logs present in json array of objects file by the following command: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS minio....
user26318243's user avatar
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Unable to register Log4j shutdown hook because JVM is shutting down. Using SimpleLogger

I have started trino but the hive-metastore-1 keep exited after few seconds in docker. The logs are showing as below: 2024-07-10 06:56:24,321 shutdown-hook-0 INFO Log4j appears to be running in a ...
Stackie's user avatar
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Why Ranger authorization doesn't work when I connect to Hiveserver2 by using ODBC/JDBC?

I have two users. (A, B) And I have two hive databases (a_db, b_db) I gave 'read' authorization to A user only for a_db. And I didn't give any authorizations to B user. But when A user connected to ...
JiHooney's user avatar
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How to load .dat file to Hive with additional columns?

I want to load .dat(without headers) file to hive external table. But in hive table there are extra columns like cob_date , region, file_name which are not present in .dat file. cob_date will be the ...
Big data Pyspark's user avatar
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build_runner is not working ( niether for hive nor for isar) , i am using hive currently

import 'package:moneylog/logsheet_model.dart'; import 'package:moneylog/logpage.dart'; import 'package:hive/hive.dart'; import 'package:flutter/material.dart'; part 'log_model.g.dart'; @HiveType(...
Ekansh Mittal's user avatar
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Spark Thrift throws TTransportException every time the client disconnects

I am running Thrift like this, notice I am using latest apache/spark-py docker image unmodified: docker run -e SPARK_NO_DAEMONIZE=true -p 10000:10000 -it apache/spark-py /opt/spark/sbin/start-...
User52016's user avatar
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ClassCastException in Spark SQL Incremental Load with DBT

I'm encountering a ClassCastException error when running an incremental load using DBT and Spark SQL. The error message indicates an issue with casting in the Spark execution plan: org.apache.hive....
Raul Zinezi's user avatar
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Why inner join creates new distinct values in other column?

I make SQL-queries in Hive using Hue. When I use inner join between two tables, one of the table's column get new distinct values, that wasn't in this column before join. I have table periods with ...
Magich's user avatar
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