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Questions tagged [android-arrayadapter]

A concrete BaseAdapter that is backed by an array of arbitrary objects.

-1 votes
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Why does the custom ArrayAdapter constructor in this example not match the superclass constructor exactly?

I was following a tutorial on creating a custom ArrayAdapter for a ListView in Android. Here is the custom adapter class from the tutorial: public class NumbersViewAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<...
minh's user avatar
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Android Talkback changing contentDescription and action for dropdown view element?

I have a dropdown represented by an ExposedDropdownMenu style on a TextInputLayout view element. <TextInputLayout style="@style/Widget.MaterialComponents.TextInputLayout.FilledBox....
MajinKenn's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

updating listview when data is removed from the arrayadapter

Im creating a listView and setting a custom arrayAdapter to it in my main activity. Using an onClickListener within the getView method of the adapter to try and remove the item clicked. Its being ...
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Saving contents of a listview as files

I want to make a notepad type application. I'm using a ListView linked to an ArrayAdapter to display a String array where you can add or delete notes and it does just that. To save the contents of the ...
Andruid929's user avatar
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RelativeLayout the root element for a list-item layout not showing bottom margin

I am creating a list-item layout for a ListView, when I set marginBootom for the root element which ia a RelativeLayout the margin is not effective. What could be the reason? Below is my code: <...
Antony Mukuha's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How to do Song Track list with fragment in Android Studio?

I'm new in android studio, just learned about a week. Before this project , I made a simple SongTrackList using main activity with no fragment, it can run smooth (click ImageButton , audio works). Now ...
willwill65pn's user avatar
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Sum Total in Recycler view

I have a recycler view with around 15 rows. Each row has some Edit Texts and One Text View at the end. My objective is to calculate Sum of all text views or perform any other operation over it and ...
qais maqbool's user avatar
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1 answer

Resource Type issue in arrayAdapter

ArrayAdapter<String> arrayAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<>(MainActivity.this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, R.array.lsViewArray ); lsViewArray.XML: <resources> <string-array ...
Aditya Deshwal's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Recycler View is Not Showing Even After Adding Data in Array List & adapter.notifyDataSetChanged()

There is a RecyclerView suggestList and on clicking any itemView of it, we get adapterposition() which has passed through a function to get values from ArrayList used for suggestList adapter. Now, I ...
Prateek's user avatar
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Why Recycler View data is Copying Again & Again in Views

I am taking data from a JSONOBJECT as response and then storing the "data" array from provided data and then looping through all the variables and assigning them to Name, Symbol, Exchange ...
user23577696's user avatar
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0 answers

implement spinner , spinner adapter and

I make a android web browser and i add spinner to dropdown tabs groups with title as top , middle tabs group name with delete and rename icon, footer as add new tabs groups and close buttons. How can ...
Bibek Poudel's user avatar
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Unable to get place predictions using new Google Places API with custom AutocompleteTextView and ArrayAdapter

My app intends to provide nearby places suggestion when a user is inputting his address. It will also allow the user to interact with the visible map while inputting his address where necessary. After ...
Balsamiq's user avatar
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MutableLiveData with ArrayList and ArrayAdapter

i am trying change my: ArrayList<Worker> Workers = new ArrayList<Worker>(); to: private MutableLiveData<ArrayList<Worker>> Workers = new MutableLiveData<>(); i built ...
עמית ישי's user avatar
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Setting AppCompatAutoCompleteTextView dropdown width with margins

I have the following AppCompatAutoCompleteTextView - <androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatAutoCompleteTextView android:id="@+id/phoneNumberPrefixTextView" style=&...
Alon Shlider's user avatar
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Can I use adapters without having ListViews?

I receive lots of data from the backend that I need to display in 2 sections of my app in different ways, such as drawing real time graphs. 1 of the sections in question is a rectangle, that is just ...
MaDudeeK's user avatar

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