After creating a WhatsApp template, is there a way to set up a webhook to receive the status updates of the template?

1 Answer 1


I'm afraid this feature is, as of now, not available.

  • I see here --> twilio.com/docs/content/… that it can be achieved with Twilio Alarms, and the approval is in Beta. “Approved alarms are also available as a Beta feature.” Do you know if 64046 is the correct code for approved templates in Twilio Alarms?
    – SamePop20
    Commented Jul 3 at 8:20
  • Sorry for the late reply, I had to double-check. The link in the docs actually refers to something else. It's about the old and deprecated WhatsApp templates and that they throw an error when a message fails because it uses an rejected template. So this is a "message failed" error and not a update on the approval/rejection of a content template
    – IObert
    Commented Jul 17 at 15:15

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