I am trying to search nearby places by types ( such as Hospital, Restaurant,..) from my current places, I used gg map API but I realised that I need to pay for this services, can anyone have another suggestion for searching nearby places using another API services. I am using Android studio to make a traveling mobile app

The following is the error i got when i try to fetch data from GG API:

{ "error_message" : "You must enable Billing on the Google Cloud Project at https://console.cloud.google.com/project/_/billing/enable Learn more at https://developers.google.com/maps/gmp-get-started", "html_attributions" : [], "results" : [], "status" : "REQUEST_DENIED" }

Thanks for your supportS <3

I tried to approach Mapbox but idk whether it can support nearby searching

  • This question is off-topic for SO, but FYI, although it requires billing enabled and is a paid service, Google Cloud comes with a "free" tier in the for of credits they apply to your bill, so you won't actually pay anything unless you have very high usage. Commented May 12 at 23:26


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