Aankomende programma’s
16 07 24
Revolutionizing Healthcare
The Twin Within

Ever heard of a virtual human twin (VHT)? It’s a digital representation of a human health or disease state. They refer to different levels of human anatomy (e.g. cells, tissues, organs or organ systems). VHTs are built using software models and data and are designed to mimic and predict behavior of their physical counterparts, including interaction with additional diseases a person may have.

Dinsdag 16 jul 2024 19:00 uur
Toegang vanaf
10 09 24
De geschiedenis van de Joodse jurist David Simons (1904-1998)
Vergeet de trieste dagen

De Joodse jurist David Simons (1904-1998) bewoog zich zijn hele leven ogenschijnlijk moeiteloos tussen twee werelden. In haar nieuwe boek Vergeet de trieste dagen onderzoekt Hinke Piersma deze geschiedenis.

Dinsdag 10 sep 2024 17:00 uur

Wij bieden je de mogelijkheid om onze programma’s kosteloos bij te wonen maar met jouw bijdrage help je de programmering nóg interessanter te maken.

Doneer hier
26 09 24
The effectiveness of psychoanalysis today

What is the place of psychoanalysis in facing human suffering, in the context of the current discontents in civilization? More than a century after its invention by Freud, an attempt was made to return to Lacan’s formula that defines psychoanalysis as a therapy unlike any other.

Donderdag 26 sep 2024 20:00 uur
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