The effectiveness of psychoanalysis today

What is the place of psychoanalysis in facing human suffering, in the context of the current discontents in civilization? More than a century after its invention by Freud, an attempt was made to return to Lacan’s formula that defines psychoanalysis as a therapy unlike any other.

Within the different proposals of psychotherapies, what constitutes the specificity of psychoanalysis? And what justifies the presence of psychoanalysis in our world? This subject will be addressed fundamentally from Freud’s legacy, taken up by Lacan, based on the virtues of the exception over the virtues of the norm. In fact, emphasis will be placed on how a practice based in speaking and not just listening has decisive effects.

In this event, Luis Izcovich and Lina Petraglia will highlight the effectiveness of psychoanalysis as a therapeutic regarding inhibition, symptoms and anxiety and what justifies a beyond therapeutic.

About the speakers

Luis Izcovich is psychiatrist, PhD in psychoanalysis from the University of Paris VIII, psychoanalyst. He was a professor at the Department of Psychoanalysis of Paris VIII. L. Izcovich currently teaches psychoanalysis at the College of Clinical Psychoanalysis of Paris. He is a founding member of the School of Lacanian field forums in France. He directs Editions Stilus in France dedicated to Lacanian-oriented psychoanalysis. He practices psychoanalysis in Paris.

Andrea Hellemeyer is psychoanalyst. She graduated in Psychology at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). Master in Psychoanalysis (UBA). Professor and researcher at the Department of Psychology, Ethics and Human Rights, Faculty of Psychology, University of Buenos Aires. UBACyT researcher, currently working in the project “ Testimonial literature about State terrorism in Argentina: An analysis of the written transmission of those directly affected“. She practices psychoanalysis in Amsterdam.

Lina Petraglia is psychoanalyst. She graduated in Psychology and holds a Master’s degree in Psychoanalytic Theory from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ).  She organizes clinical study and research activities through the Tyche Group (, which she set up with other psychoanalytic colleagues in the Netherlands. She practices psychoanalysis in Amsterdam and online.


Image: René Magritte, The False Mirror, 1928. © 2024 C. Herscovici, Brussels / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York

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