Key #SPSP2024 updates, insights for students from underrepresented groups, and more!


SPSP Student Committee SPSPotlight Mentoring Awards Networking Events

Highlights for August 2023

A photo of the 2023 cohort of the Summer Institute for Social and Personality Psychology.

Students Reflect on Immersive Learning Experiences at SISPP 2023

This SPSPotlight feature shares reflections from students who participated in the recent Summer Institute for Social and Personality Psychology.

A group of colorful faces in silhouette and profile.

Expert Advice on Applying to Doctoral and Postdoc Programs for Students from Underrepresented Groups (Part One)

In this month's feature, SPSPotlight Co-Editor Lourdes Mestre has collected advice from experts on applying to doctoral and postdoctoral programs for students from underrepresented groups. Stay tuned for more insights in next month's newsletter!

SPSP 2024 Annual Convention Updates

Summer is winding down and preparations for the SPSP 2024 Annual Convention are heating up! Here's what you need to know about #SPSP2024 as we move into September and beyond:


Apply for #SPSP2024 Registration Stipends

SPSP is now accepting applications for stipends to help cover registration fees for Annual Convention attendees! Learn more about each stipend below and be sure to apply before the portal closes on September 14 at 11:59 PM PT.



Just Announced: #SPSP2024 Preconferences

Before the Annual Convention officially kicks off, SPSP is excited to offer an array of engaging in-person and virtual preconferences on February 7-8, 2024 that offer deep dives into the most compelling subjects in personality and social psychology. Read about #SPSP2024 preconferences below and stay tuned for updates!



Reminder: Time is Running Out to Submit for #SPSP2024

The submission deadline for the SPSP 2024 Annual Convention is drawing ever closer! If you want to participants in this year's convention agenda, there is still time to submit abstracts for posters, research spotlights, and roundtable unconferences. Learn more about our submission process below and submit before 11:59 PM PT on September 14!



Student Abstract Review Update

Did you submit your #SPSP2024 abstract for review by the Student Committee? Keep an eye out for their feedback! The Student Committee will be sharing notes and suggestions on August 25, allowing time for students to fine-tune their abstracts before the deadline on September 14.

SSSP - Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists Logo

Southeastern Psychologists: Register and Submit for SSSP

The Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists (SSSP) welcomes proposals for posters, data blitzes/flash talks (5-minute presentations), and individual talks. Submissions will be open from August 16-September 13.


Accepted individual talks, data blitzes/flash talks, and poster submissions will be presented in-person in Charlotte, North Carolina on November 4, 2023.


The registration portal is also now open! If you're a psychologist based in the southeastern United States, do not miss this opportunity to connect with your colleagues and share your work. Register by October 19 to receive early bird discount pricing!


Sign up for SPSP Free-Form Fridays

SPSP Seeking Hosts for Fall Free-Form Friday Sessions

Want to connect with other SPSP members? Submit an idea for a Free-Form Friday session! These small, virtual meeting rooms are great for imparting career and professional development advice, discussing common research areas, meeting members with a similar background or interests, and more.


SPSP is now seeking members to host sessions on the topic of their choice in September, October, November, and December.



Society for Personality and Social Psychology

1120 Connecticut Ave NW, Suite 280 Washington, DC 20036

(202) 869-3240

Higher Logic