At least 70% of the S&P 500 names that reported results this week topped estimates - Earnings Scorecard

Apr. 19, 2024 3:19 PM ETNFLX, KMI, GOOG, MSFT, VZ, BA, BAC, GS, UPS, INTC, PEP, QCOM, CAT, ABT, UNH, SLB, CCI, MS, PLD, V, TSLA, NEE, UAL, META, PSX, ABBV, GOOGLBy: Ahmed Farhath, SA News Editor46 Comments
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The first-quarter earnings season is in full swing. Here is a recap of the major companies that have reported their results this week.

Of the 41 S&P 500 companies that reported, 32 had EPS above analyst expectations, six missed consensus, and three were

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