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Questions tagged [young-adult]

For questions looking to identify young-adult novels or asking about their presence in Science Fiction and Fantasy. If looking to identify a story, include the [story-identification] tag, if asking about the history of the genre use in conjunction with the [history-of] tag.

2 votes
0 answers

YA fantasy book about a brother and sister who are transported to a different world and turned into animals that represent them

I remember reading a book for free on my Kindle years and years ago and want to reread it but can't find it! I'm pretty sure the cover had like a panther on it, but not sure on the color because my ...
Al Sorensen's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

YA book about girl who goes to an alien exchange school

I read this book on my Kindle so I have no memory of the cover, but I read it in 2015 or 2016 (I was in the 6th grade). It's about a girl who is suddenly uprooted to go to an alien school as their ...
Kassrabbit's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Book involving a boy who was playing Dungeons & Dragons style game and a parallel universe

I can't remember the title of this book or the author. I know it was a young adult book. The main character was a boy who was playing a Dungeons & Dragons style game (I'll make it clear that it ...
Letty's user avatar
  • 21
7 votes
0 answers

Book about a boy picking up a magic book that stabs him in a library

I read this book in the early 2010s, when I was 11 or 12. It was a physical book, no idea about the cover. I read it to my younger sister, and now we are looking for it. It was a young-adult fantasy ...
Emi's user avatar
  • 71
4 votes
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Young Adult novel about a time traveller with AI and a haunted forest

The main thing I remember about this story is that the main character is a time-traveller who is travelling with a computerised representation of his sister. During the course of events, he forms a ...
Sanger99's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Book about a boy who becomes a sorcerer

I'm desperately looking for a book series about a boy he, I think, becomes a sorcerer. He goes to a Christmas party with his family and finds a man waiting for him, again I think. His father is absent ...
Liz Hart's user avatar
6 votes
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A fantasy book about a main character named Draco

Looking for a book I read some time ago but didn't get a chance to finish. This is what I know: Might be a series of novels Main character named Draco Set in a fantasy realm Draco is royalty He ends ...
Jennifer Wagner's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Sci-fi book series about a teenage detective, possibly named Diamond, with a floating AI assistant

This is a book series I read over a decade ago, probably sometime from 2008-2013. I'm fairly certain the target audience was young adults. The setting has many of the hallmarks of a dystopian future. ...
DqwertyC's user avatar
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4 votes
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Book series c.2000 where the main character has the power to communicate with and manipulate plants

For many, many years I have been scouring the internet looking for a book series I read when I was about 8 years old which really started my love for fantasy. What I remember is below: The MC is in a ...
Jordan D's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Young adult urban fantasy series, teens given artifacts that grant unique powers per artifact, monsters want those artifacts

I read a series of books in sometime between 2016-2020 where there are specific artifacts that whoever holds them and is the "owner" of them both can make use of its abilities and become ...
MrPenguin879's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

2000s YA sci-fi book, male protagonist, only one in each world who can travel between dimensions through the 4th one, everyone is him but different

I'm trying to remember a YA Sci-Fi book, probably from the 2000s, about a boy who is randomly attacked by what looks like wizards and robots. He is then saved by someone who appears to be an older ...
The confused copy's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

YA Book about two siblings and their uncle, who built a magical cabinet

This has been bugging me for years. I read the first book of a small series (maybe only two or three books total) a few years back. YA fantasy, that I'm trying to remember correctly. I believe a ...
Dismal_load's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

YA book series about an orphan girl with violet eyes who finds out she has powers

I read this series probably 10 years ago. It has been driving me insane ever since wanting to reread it now. It was about a girl with violet eyes whose parents had died. She thinks she's an ordinary ...
user177003's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

90s or 2000s book about a young girl who somehow found she could access a magical realm

So this is a long shot, as I unfortunately don't remember many details, but I am trying to find a book I read about 20 years ago when I was a kid. I read it in my local library (in the UK) so it would ...
Nat's user avatar
  • 69
2 votes
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Book about a college(?) age girl who moved into a house with several male roommates, one of whom is either a ghost or cursed

I'm trying to find this book I read in like junior high/high school and don't remember much. I graduated in 2017, if that helps any. I know it's about a college(?) age girl who moved into this house. ...
Blaze's user avatar
  • 21
5 votes
0 answers

Young adult horror story in which a boy's neighbor turns out to be the Devil

What I can remember is that a boy lives with his grandma in a apartment and a new neighbor moves in. The kid befriends the neighbor as the neighbor seems to know the kid's secret thoughts. It turns ...
Derek Ruiz's user avatar
4 votes
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Young adult murder mystery book series about a cop's daughter who works in the morgue after school

It's about this high school girl. She's a cop's daughter and she works in the morgue after school. Everything is fine until dead bodies start coming into the morgue looking fine on the outside but ...
Lisa Craven's user avatar
4 votes
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series about a boy who has a chip in his brain- he is taken in and hooked up to machines, to be used for years and he loses his memory

I don’t know much about the book, a friend told me about it a couple months ago. But what I remember is that people had chips in their brains and this one character has certain abilities. There’s some ...
ann's user avatar
  • 41
7 votes
1 answer

Early 2000s young adult sci-fi novel about a girl choosing a new robotic body [duplicate]

I'm desperately trying to remember the title of a novel I read in high school (2002-3ish, Western Australia) about a girl who chooses to have a replacement robotic body. The body comes with a ...
Amiira's user avatar
  • 73
4 votes
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Fairy fantasy book about magic based on a points system?

I remember checking out a book from my library maybe 5-10 years ago. It was a hardcover purple and white book that might have had a pair of wings on the cover. I can’t remember the title. (It might ...
user175881's user avatar
2 votes
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Teen/young adult fiction anthology book that has a steampunk/Victorian era theme

I read this book four years ago (in 2020), so the details I can provide may be thin. It was an anthology book that, from what I remember, took place sometime in a Victorian-ish era, with a possibility ...
Sanford's user avatar
  • 21
10 votes
2 answers

What early juvenile sci-fi book is about a boy who trains on a lunar station for a mission in space?

I have vague memories of reading this in the late 70's or early 80's so the details are pretty fuzzy. What I do recall is that it was about a teenage boy who was training for some kind of mission, ...
decuser's user avatar
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4 votes
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Book about Female Monster Hunter Protagonist that has fangs

I read this book about a young woman who begins to see monsters that humans can't see and she eventually becomes a monster hunter. Unlike normal monster hunters, the protagonist isn't human and uses ...
Desiree's user avatar
  • 51
3 votes
1 answer

YA dystopian book involving a female about to be sterilized who eventually escapes into frames of art or an alternate world portal with other kids

I read a book published before 2004 in middle school. I'm 36, 7th grade I believe, a school set in Des Plaines, IL. Teacher gives us a book to read with assignments. Because of the assignments, is how ...
Tina Kennedy's user avatar
3 votes
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fantasy book from 2012/13, young girl with powers from poorest part of kingdom, pursued by a captain

Okay, so I read this book when I was still in primary school which was almost 10 years ago, it is a fantasy book my memory of the plot is quite foggy at this point but from what I remember the ...
Amara's user avatar
  • 31
21 votes
1 answer

How to become a witch: Fiction Novel - Girl finds a how-to book about witches at the library

I read this in 90s but the book might've come out in the 80s. A girl at her library finds a how-to book about witchcraft in the children's section, among other how-to books. She's been at this library ...
Edward's user avatar
  • 219
4 votes
1 answer

Fantasy/science-fiction book about a boy with a piece of a dragon scale in him

Maybe almost 5 years ago I read a fantasy and probably science-fiction book or series (possibly a trilogy?) where the protagonist gains the ability to use magic, and it is later revealed that he has a ...
notsure977's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Looking for a YA fantasy novel from the '60s or '70s similar to the Narnia books but set in America and only one (female) protagonist

I remember reading this book in 1977, so it predates that year. There's a young girl who finds an abandoned mansion with an eerie gothic garden. I recall that the setting is the American Eastern ...
Seneca's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

A short YA SF novel about teenagers who lived their whole childhood in a house surrounded by a fence in a clearing of a "dangerous forest"

I read this short novel about 20 years ago, in French, in a rather thin paperback. I think one can consider it as YA. I am not sure the action is on Earth. I have a vague memory of Mars having been ...
Alfred's user avatar
  • 19.5k
3 votes
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Looking for 4 part book (bound as 1?) about a brother and sister w/ parents who are archaeologists

So I read this book in elementary school and middle school, it was never assigned. The copy I read was bound as 1 book, over 1k pages, for what I think were 4 parts (basically 4 books). The brother ...
Michael Westbrook's user avatar
7 votes
0 answers

Young adult book set in a post-nuclear wasteland (but is actually a video game/computer simulation?)

I read a book when I was in elementary school (circa 1995) that to my recollection was about a child/pre-teen who is living in a post-apocalyptic wasteland (maybe it's a girl searching for her brother?...
user3054531's user avatar
0 votes
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Book about a girl who went to a grocery store that had monsters

There was this book I read in middle school. It was about this girl that lived in a society. She went to a grocery store that had monsters in it. I think there might have been a sequel where she was ...
Emma 's user avatar
  • 29
2 votes
1 answer

Finding a YA book about a boy with powers

I’m looking for a book I read maybe 12 or 13 years old. The cover was blue with characters using powers on it and one of them was girl with black hair with blue streaks. The characters were in a club ...
henri's user avatar
  • 31
3 votes
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Fantasy series from pre 2010 - Woman follows a man with magic

Been trying to remember a fantasy book I read over 15 years ago. It was the first in a series and followed (I think) a female protagonist who leaves her home (which I think belonged to some lord) and ...
Shea's user avatar
  • 31
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Looking for a young adult fantasy book about a girl who is half faerie and can use magic from all five elements?

I am trying to find a book that I once read about a girl who thinks she is half-faerie(and I think also royal), where her mom was a faerie(but passed away) and her dad, who she thinks is human, who is ...
Mems's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes
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Looking for a young adult book about a shapeshifter, but I cannot remember much about it

I read this book as a young adult and cannot remember many details. The main character is a young woman who can turn into a dragon/wyvern like creature. I think they had a specific name for what they ...
Eva's user avatar
  • 21
1 vote
2 answers

Book set in modern times about a girl who can shapeshift into a wyvern and fly

I read a book probably around 10 or more years ago that I can’t remember the name of about a girl who turns into a wyvern. It’s set in modern times. I vaguely remember her sneaking out of her room to ...
Lucy's user avatar
  • 27
5 votes
1 answer

Teen novel blurring the line between virtual gaming and reality

I am trying to identify a book I read in my teens. It was most likely released around the mid 2000s to mid 2010s if I remember correctly. I remember that the main character was a male lead who moves ...
Johnster's user avatar
7 votes
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"Did the maser blind you?" Young adult dystopian story - older girl and younger boy fighting the regime

What I remember is: A near-future dystopian city. Standard YA science fiction dystopia. Riot police, young people fighting back, etc. A young-ish boy (pre-teen, teenager?) is caught in the middle of ...
Max's user avatar
  • 71
3 votes
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Late 1950s or 1960s childrens/YA series - the children have a secret spaceship, go to Mars, and meet a Martian child

I am looking for a 1950s or 1960s YA series of books about a group of children who have a secret spaceship. They go to Mars, where they meet a Martian child. In one of the books, just as they are ...
David M's user avatar
  • 31
6 votes
1 answer

Book Series about boy who learns he has powers and gets sent to a private school by a “secret society”

I read this book series around 5 years ago. I remember many bits and pieces so I will try to give as much info as possible. It was kind of a series for teens and it was set in present time. It started ...
Kole's user avatar
  • 63
5 votes
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Late 90s / early 2000s YA - Sick child protaganist, some teleporting/time travelling stranger with an unusual device

One of those "Wow, what was that book I read again?" moments. Thought about this book on and off since I read it in high school (between 2000 and '06). Not a lot of plot points to go on here,...
Michael Frank's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Dystopian YA Any child below the age of 18 can be legally killed. I think their organs are donated to ill people

I read this novel in about 2020. It seemed to have been written pretty recently. Any child up to the age of 18 could legally be given up with the permission of their parents and be killed. I am pretty ...
Judith Jones's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Need help in finding the title of a YA (possibly) fantasy book [duplicate]

My late dad told me about this book that he was reading pre-2020s (could be half a decade or more ago). I haven't had the chance to remember the book's title and its author but I remember a few ...
counterIsNeverEnding's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Wattpad book about a mute boy. His mother dying from cancer [closed]

I'm looking for a book on Wattpad . Its about mxmxm I think where the guy is mute and something is forgotten. He and his mom are living with his mother's friend while she is dying of cancer . The mom'...
Stefani Jaramillo's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Young adult sci-fi novel about a teenage female and a small group of other teenagers raised in a high tech society with mind link capabilities

I'm searching for the name of a young adult novel I read between 2003-2008. I live in Western Australia and borrowed the novel from a local public library. It was written in English. I think it was ...
Clementine Roberts's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Novel where old rich people take the minds and bodies of teens

When I was younger I read a book with a female main character with a younger brother. The old people in this book rent out the bodies of young people.
maya 's user avatar
  • 59
5 votes
1 answer

YA fiction set in late 80's America about a boy and metal numbered cubes [duplicate]

I read this story in around 88-90. I remember that it had a blue cover, and a boy with the head of a professor on it. The story was about the boy who was having trouble at home and he meets a ...
ChaosMonkeyPlays's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Dystopian book in which kids compete for a spot in a space mission

I read this book (I think it became a trilogy) years and years ago. The world is ending and two kids were picked by the government, along with others, to compete for a spot in a space mission. The ...
lionflower's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

YA book. Planet in our solar system. Two teenagers sealed in a plant with flashlight. Oxygen from photosynthesis saves their lives [duplicate]

The two teenagers are walking across the planet to warn their parents of an evil plan by a major company. They are wearing pressure suits. They are running out of oxygen. The boys spend the night ...
Judith Jones's user avatar
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