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Questions tagged [dystopia]

A dystopia is the idea of a society in a repressive and controlled state, often under the guise of being utopian, as characterized in books like Brave New World and Nineteen Eighty-Four.

9 votes
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Corporate Dystopia book from the early 2000s

I read a book in the early 2000s (which is when I think it was published). It was set in a near future dystopia where corporations had taken over all public services. Poverty was outlawed and being ...
Ben's user avatar
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15 votes
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The human population on Earth reached its maximum with the end of the last zoo

I read this short story at least 30 years ago. I suppose it was in a collection, since I rarely read magazines. I don't remember if I read it in English or in French, but it might have been a ...
Alfred's user avatar
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Dystopian romance book in which the world is split in two, with the rich side being called the Class

I'm looking for a dystopian romance book I read a couple of years ago. The world is split in two; the rich are called the Class and I can't remember the name of the poor side. There is like a chain ...
Guesst's user avatar
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11 votes
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Story Identification : student gets perfect score, fake helicopter plans, Bob Dylan song

I'm trying to identify a Dystopian book which I read in the 80's or 90's. I only have 3 vague memories, but it still haunts me to this day. If anyone can identify the book, I would be over the moon! ...
Jamda's user avatar
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Book about a man who is at the age where a lottery is taken of the elderly and he's chosen to be "put down", leaving a sad grandson

A man and his grandson are very close. When someone turns a certain age (70 or 80) they are put in a lottery of sorts and whoever is picked must be put to death, supposedly to control population. It ...
Cheryl's user avatar
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Book about a planet where women live in "Wells" until they become pregnant, then become the property of the man who impregnated them

Planet of low fertility, women live in "Wells" until they become pregnant, then become the property of the man who impregnated them. Woman who "runs" the Well in the story, comes ...
Kathryn's user avatar
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Dystopian short story with a noise generator hidden in the mountains

I read a short story in middle school (~1981) about a supposed utopia where everyone remained completely happy and content as long as they took a daily dose of a special medicine. I can't remember why,...
pjd's user avatar
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24 votes
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A novel about people living hanging on the walls of huge building, with "angels" (?) floating around [duplicate]

I read this novel about 30 years ago, in a rather slim paperback, in French, almost certainly a translation from English. A rather short novel, but too long for a novella. I don't remember the cover. ...
Alfred's user avatar
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6 votes
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Dystopian book series about teenage girl who didn't die on her "death date"

I read a series of books around 2020 (the latest one was released whilst I was reading). It was about a teen girl who lived in a world where you found out the day you died, your 'death date'. There ...
Jess's user avatar
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3 votes
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YA dystopian book involving a female about to be sterilized who eventually escapes into frames of art or an alternate world portal with other kids

I read a book published before 2004 in middle school. I'm 36, 7th grade I believe, a school set in Des Plaines, IL. Teacher gives us a book to read with assignments. Because of the assignments, is how ...
Tina Kennedy's user avatar
8 votes
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Where a father, who is being brainwashed by terrorists, is searching for his missing daughter who is working at growing replacement body parts

Looking for the title of a sci-fi novel I read, where a father is looking for his presumed missing daughter, he later has a realisation about the real circumstances in her leaving. In the plot a ...
Sergio's user avatar
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A (probably) very old mostly political dystopia with some SF elements

I read this story in French, less than 10 years ago. I think it was a translation, but not necessarily from English. It was in a rather slim white paperback, no image on the cover, just the title and ...
Alfred's user avatar
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A novel about people most of whom are more or less color blind

I'm not sure when I read this novel, and I remember very little of it. But it was least 10 years ago, probably more. I don't remember any event of the story. All I remember is that most people lacked ...
Alfred's user avatar
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3 answers

Old comic in which a guy is captured/enslaved by (aliens?) and turned into a cyborg hunter killer or something

I am trying to find an old comic about a killer cyborg. I think the comic is either from 1970s-1980s (could be VERY early 90s). I got the comic in a "mystery" bag with a bunch of DC/Marvel/...
ntemplar's user avatar
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Futuristic/dystopian novel for teens where people live in bubble-shaped/spherical houses

Years ago I read a dystopian/futuristic novel but I cannot find it anywhere and I don't remember much about it. Main character: a boy, maybe a teenager; Setting: dystopian world (maybe France, but I'...
Berto70's user avatar
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