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Questions tagged [powers]

A broad term covering the abilities of superheroes (such as Superman or Spider-Man), mutants (X-Men or telepaths), and magical users (witches and wizards). Can be arrived at in a number of ways - natural talent or learning (magic), being an alien (Superman), radiation (Fantastic 4), or other.

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Anime about a world where green sparkles came falling from the sky, giving a bunch of people superpowers

Before I start, I'm going to clarify I have a vague memory of this anime. It was an anime with a 3D art style and went heavy on the CGI. It was a little old, but I can't say for sure. It was about a ...
Roddlay Alius's user avatar
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What are the new powers given to Superman in the animated TV series "My Adventures with Superman"?

In the animated TV series My Adventures with Superman, there is a reimagined version of Superman. He has some special abilities compared to the normal Superman we know. What are these additional ...
codeczar's user avatar
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To what extent can Magneto harness Earth's magnetic field to recover faster from injuries?

It seems that Magneto can use Earth's magnetic field to recover faster from injuries. What are the extent, potential, healing rate, and limits of this ability? In X-Men The Animated Series, after hard-...
Triceratops's user avatar
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Why does Beast (X-Men) wear eyeglasses?

Dr. Hank McCoy, a.k.a Beast from the X-Men, wears eyeglasses, mainly for reading. However, according to the description of his superpowers (e.g. or Wikipedia), he has "animalistic"...
Triceratops's user avatar
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Book about two girls with special abilities due to their blood

I have come here as my last resort looking for a book I read long ago. I can’t seem to find it anywhere and everyone I have talked to about it never heard of it so I feel like I am going crazy. It’s ...
user175269's user avatar
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fantasy book from 2012/13, young girl with powers from poorest part of kingdom, pursued by a captain

Okay, so I read this book when I was still in primary school which was almost 10 years ago, it is a fantasy book my memory of the plot is quite foggy at this point but from what I remember the ...
Amara's user avatar
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Can Magneto control and manipulate metal ores?

Magneto is the master of magnetism and by controlling and manipulating electromagnetic fields he can control various metals (including non-Ferro-magnetic ones). Ore is a metal locked inside rocks via ...
Triceratops's user avatar
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Old movie about a man with healing powers who arrives in a town while looking for his mother

I'm looking for a movie from the 80's or 90's. It's about a man with powers who is looking for his mother. He arrives in a town; there, he fixes a man's TV antenna and detects a kid's aneurysm. When ...
Marlon's user avatar
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Book where a set of twins (boy and girl) develop powers and learn that their dad and his twin sister also have powers

I think they moved into a new house or something, and slowly realized that they had powers of light and shadow. They find out that their father and his twin sister have these abilities too. I don't ...
Alex's user avatar
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Manga, about a group of friends who gained superpowers, and the mc who gained the power to control technology

I cannot remember much about this manga, but I'm this definitely sure that it wasn't an isekai, and that the main character had the ability to modify and control technology.
user174400's user avatar
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Can Superman cut himself with his heat vision? [duplicate]

Can Superman cut himself with his heat vision? Can Superman cut an alternate version of himself (e.g. clone, parallel universe) using his heat vision?
Triceratops's user avatar
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In Avatar: The Last Airbender, what can affect Air and Earth Benders like eclipses?

Is there any natural phenomenon in the Avatar world that directly affects Earth and Air Bending the way a Solar Eclipse and Lunar Eclipse affect Fire and Water Bending? We know the "Day of Black ...
Russhiro's user avatar
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Book Series about boy who learns he has powers and gets sent to a private school by a “secret society”

I read this book series around 5 years ago. I remember many bits and pieces so I will try to give as much info as possible. It was kind of a series for teens and it was set in present time. It started ...
Kole's user avatar
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Young adult book (series?) about children who develop powers — a character with silver skin

First-time poster here. This is a book I remember from when I was 10-12, which would have been 2003-2005ish. It’s possible that it was later, but I remember it being around the mid 2000s. The premise ...
SpicyBoi's user avatar
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Whats with the changes in Allomancy between The Hero Of Ages and Alloy of Law?

I started reading Wax and Wayne recently and I noticed that Atium and Malatium were replaced with Cadmium and Bendalloy, and Atium was changed to a god metal. I have several questions about that: A: ...
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