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Alcohol Policy

Alcohol may be sold or served at events if appropriate procedures are followed. The campus Alcohol Sales & Service Procedure applies to all events held on owned or leased university properties, and events held off premises when directed, managed or supervised by the university. This procedure also applies to all private events sponsored by non-campus groups held on owned or leased university properties. 

Alcohol policy and procedure for students, student governments, and registered student organizations are separate from this procedure and are described in Chapter X of the UC Merced Student Handbook.

Off-campus events held in private facilities or residences that are primarily social in nature and hosted by university faculty, administration or staff and are are not paid for with university funds are not considered to be university-sponsored events.

All reporting units must submit the alcohol permit to the provost via email to April Graves at

Alcohol Service/Sales for Event Sponsored by UC Merced

When planning to serve alcohol at an event sponsored by UC Merced, the following steps must be completed for approval:

  1. Complete the Permit to Serve Alcoholic Beverages form
    • Submit the permit to the appropriate vice chancellor seventeen (17) days prior to the event.
    • Get UC Merced Police signature on permit
  2. Complete a purchase requisition for the estimated costs for alcohol (if alcohol is donated, skip this step).
    • Alcohol can be purchased from a vendor on the pre-approved caterers list, Costco, or any retail business licensed to sell alcohol.
      • Contact Procurement ext. 4669 for information on how to have a vendor added to the list.
  3. Alcohol must be served by trained servers supervised by Lakeside Catering or a vendor on the pre-approved caterers list. 

When planning to sell alcohol at an event sponsored by UC Merced, the following steps must be completed for approval:

  1. Follow step 1 above.
  2. Whether the alcohol is donated or purchased (using a purchase requisition), it can only be sold at the event by a vendor from the pre-approved caterers list who has or can get a liquor license or one-day permit to sell alcohol from the Department of Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC).
  3. Alcohol must be served by trained servers supervised by Lakeside Catering or the selected vendor in step two above. 

Alcohol Service/Sales for Event Sponsored by Student Clubs

When planning to serve or sell alcohol at an event sponsored by a student club, contact the Office of Student Life for assistance. 

Additional Information:

In order for the Permit to Serve Alcoholic Beverages to be valid, it must meet the requirements and must be approved by the University of California, Merced, Police Department. Note: We require you to submit the completed permit to the Office of the Provost and EVC at least seventeen (17) working days prior to the event because the police department requires a minimum of fifteen (15) days prior to the event to process the request. You must make the approved permit available at the event for inspection by any university official. 

In order to get your permit, you will need to list on your form the name of a faculty/staff member who agrees to serve as monitor or sponsor representative. This person must be present for the entire event and will be responsible for:

  • Checking IDs of those who will be served alcohol in order to confirm that they are of legal age;
  • If the event is open to students, staff and faculty, the monitor is responsible for affixing identifying wristbands to those verified as members of the prescribed group who are of legal age. (If the event is closed and no underage individuals can access it, wristbands do not need to be issued);
  • Being on site for the entire event; and 
  • Monitoring the event to confirm all attendees are acting responsibly according to all UC Merced guidelines

For detailed instructions to complete the permit to Serve Alcoholic Beverages Form please click here

For Additional Information Contact: