How It Works

See how easy it is to launch your own Crowdstack Pro.

Think of it as the new home base for your peeps.

Crowdstack is designed to be the place where your audience engages with each other and YOU. It is a powerful member management system combined with dynamic, user-generated content. Best of all, you control the experience, own all of the data, and have all of the tools you need to manage the members and content in your Crowdstack.

Does this replace Twitter, Facebook, Instagram,
or other major social media platforms??

Absolutely NOT! Social media is still a great place to interact with the world at large. It's important that you stay engaged via major social channels. However, you don't have tight connections with your audiences through those networks and you are always subject to the limitations they impose.

Crowdstack Pro is your space, where your audience posts content, converses, participates in surveys and events, and more. It's a compliment to your main site, an SEO magnet that augments your brand and amplifies your reach.

The Hook-Up

Crowdstack Pro does not replace your main site. It's your community add-on, which you link to from your main site. Because it is hosted service, you don't have to install any software or maintain any servers.

We make it easy for you to style your Crowdstack to match the look and feel of your brand and you can use your own domain or subdomain, as well. Getting started is easy and you can be up and running in minutes.

Already have your own registration system? No problem!

Crowdstack Pro supports single sign-on (SSO), so you can tie into your existing registration system. That way, your people do not have to re-register to use your Crowdstack. (But if you don't have your own registration system, that's okay, too.)

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