Crowdstack Pro Features

A quick summary of the major features and benefits.

Member Management

Crowdstack Pro makes it easy to manage and organize your audience, with tools to segment your members by role, assign permissions, track activity, send messages, and more. You can store private notes about specific members that only your admins can access, moderate or ban troublemakers, give kudos to big contributors, and track leaderboards for overall activity.

Keep Everyone Engaged

Crowdstack Pro supports engagement on many levels-- from blogging to discussion topics to surveys, calendar events, resources, and status updates. Enable all content types, or just the ones you prefer.

Segment with Subgroups

You can have an unlimited number of subgroups in your Crowdstack, for segmented interactions with their own set of rules.

Customizable Workflows

Automation rules allow you to perform thousands of different customized workflows, with their own conditions, triggers, and actions. Review new content by specific members or containing certain keywords, congratulate members for their first posts or when reaching other activity milestones, send automated welcome emails, and more.

Enhanced privacy tools are baked in.

Crowdstack Pro has built in tools that you can enable for complying with international privacy laws like GDPR. You determine which controls you want to allow. Crowdstack makes it easy for you to enable the privacy features you want to support.

Looking to monetize your Crowdstack?

If your goal is to generate revenue from your community, the built-in premium membership system offers a turnkey way to designate premium features or content and charge whatever fee you like.

Extend with our API

Use the Crowdstack Pro API to extend the content/features into other areas that you control (like your existing mobile app).

The richest toolset for audience engagement.

Custom Profile Fields

Collect any kind of profile information you like and enforce the privacy level for each type of data.

Embeddable Widgets

Showcase your Crowdstack on your main site using pre-built embeddable widgets.


Track community health with a set of metrics, view leaderboards for your member and content, and generate member activity reports.

Management Tools

Extremely powerful tools for managing content and members, with extensive search capabilities and bulk management options.

Responsive Design

Crowdstack is guaranteed to look great on every device, with no loss of features.


SSL is built in and the advanced permission system allows you to control exactly who can do what in your Crowdstack.

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