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Questions tagged [supreme-court]

In most instances is the highest court in a country and isn't always called as such - for example, the High Court of Australia. If the country has multiple supreme courts, specify which one in your question. Please also tag questions with the relevant country.

79 votes
10 answers

Why is the debate on the composition of the U.S. Supreme Court so politicised?

Why is the debate on the composition of the United States Supreme Court so politicised? Many other countries, such as the United Kingdom, Germany, Netherlands, European Union, and others, have courts ...
gerrit's user avatar
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69 votes
10 answers

How did the Kavanaugh confirmation move so quickly despite the serious allegations?

I did not pay attention to the news for a few days and am completely confused now. Last I saw, Kavanaugh was in the midst of his sexual assault hearings. I thought Trump had said he would let a ...
Aaron's user avatar
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45 votes
8 answers

Why are people protesting against Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett?

I saw on the news that people are protesting against Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett. I am not looking for any opinions, but would appreciate some background on these protests against her.
Severus Snape's user avatar
42 votes
19 answers

Why are Republicans (unlike Democrats) heavily criticized for their flip-flopping regarding the 2016/2020 US supreme court justice nominations?

It's hard to be on the Internet currently without encountering heavy criticism of prominent Republican politicians over Trump nominating a Supreme Court justice so close to the 2020 US election. As ...
Rebecca J. Stones's user avatar
41 votes
12 answers

What do Democrats have to gain, politically, by preventing Brett Kavanaugh's appointment to the Supreme Court?

From a purely political perspective: If his nomination is withdrawn, won't Trump just nominate another conservative judge (who would presumably be confirmed by the republican-controlled senate)?
Jer's user avatar
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41 votes
3 answers

Has the Israeli supreme court ever come to a decision that can be seen as pro-Palestine or pro-Arab/anti-Israel/-Jew?

Has the Israeli supreme court ever come to a decision that can be seen as pro-Palestine or pro-Arab/anti-Israel/-Jew? I have heard proponents of the Palestine/Arab side claim the Israeli supreme court ...
d-b's user avatar
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36 votes
7 answers

Can the US president legally kill at will?

Following the ruling by SCOTUS in Trump v. United States (2024) that Presidents enjoy absolute immunity for their exclusive powers and presumptive immunity for their remaining official acts, I have ...
Jaood's user avatar
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36 votes
1 answer

Did two dissenting Supreme Court justices agree that Trump was "absolutely immune" to the Manhattan DA's subpoena?

In the CNN News clip Analyst: Trump doesn't have legal power to do what he's threatening former federal and state prosecutor and current CNN legal analyst Elie Honig said: Last month by a 7 to 2 vote ...
uhoh's user avatar
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35 votes
6 answers

Why are legal decisions in the US so politicized?

(Not sure if this should be on the Law.SE. I'm guessing the answer is more political than legal, hence I'm asking it here.) Example WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — A difficult political atmosphere for ...
Allure's user avatar
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35 votes
6 answers

In the United States, why aren't both legislative chambers involved in the Supreme Court confirmation process?

I'm following the situation around the recent Supreme Court vacancy left by the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. As a non-American, what's strange to me is that confirming a new SCOTUS Justice ...
Jules's user avatar
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34 votes
5 answers

Why is changing the size of the Supreme Court considered dangerous today, when it has been done in the past?

Recently, there has been a lot of talk about "court packing", the process of increasing the size of the Supreme Court, thereby creating openings to be filled with new justices. A common ...
divibisan's user avatar
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32 votes
7 answers

Why isn't the constitutionality of Trump's 2nd impeachment decided by the supreme court?

Just five GOP senators vote Trump impeachment trial is constitutional As I understand the US supreme court, they rule on the constitutionality of issues. Therefore it seems like the question of ...
Allure's user avatar
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32 votes
4 answers

What would happen if an American state didn’t follow a ruling by the Supreme Court?

If the Supreme Court decided that same-sex marriage was a right on the federal level, what would happen if a specific state decided not to follow their ruling? What power does the federal government ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
31 votes
3 answers

Would a President get to fill a Supreme Court vacancy just after he lost an election in November/December?

Suppose an incumbent President loses an election in November and a supreme court vacancy were to emerge right after his loss but before the swearing-in of his successor. Would he be able to fill this ...
Schwarz Kugelblitz's user avatar
31 votes
3 answers

Has the US Supreme court ever altered its own precedent on the same topic twice?

I know there have been a number of instances where the United States Supreme Court has basically 'changed its mind' and ruled in a manner counter to a previous Supreme Court ruling. The most obvious ...
dsollen's user avatar
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