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30 votes
2 answers

Can the Senate confirm a SCOTUS nominee before the seat is vacant?

The media is reporting that Justice Stephen Breyer plans to retire at the end of this year's court term. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer issued the following statement regarding the confirmation ...
Panda's user avatar
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Why is nobody in the Amy Coney Barrett hearings wearing masks?

I was watching the Amy Coney Barrett hearings yesterday (October 12; today is October 13th 2020), and I noticed how none of the senators present were wearing masks. In her address, Kamala Harris, ...
Ertai87's user avatar
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Can Supreme Court justice appointment be delayed until after elections?

Can the House delay a Supreme Court justice appointment until after the general elections?
fdkgfosfskjdlsjdlkfsf's user avatar
69 votes
10 answers

How did the Kavanaugh confirmation move so quickly despite the serious allegations?

I did not pay attention to the news for a few days and am completely confused now. Last I saw, Kavanaugh was in the midst of his sexual assault hearings. I thought Trump had said he would let a ...
Aaron's user avatar
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Can a lame duck Senate confirm a SCOTUS nominee?

Given that a number of reasons for delaying a vote on the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court have come up, it may happen that they will not be resolved until after the mid-term ...
grovkin's user avatar
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Supreme Court Nominations

If the GOP loses the Senate majority in this upcoming election, will they still have enough power to block Supreme Court Justice nominee?
KAtG's user avatar
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What are the bottlenecks in the US Supreme Court appointment process?

Here are the steps as I understand them and then questions to which I have not found answers. Process The President nominates a candidate for the Supreme Court. A subset of the Senate (called the ...
Alex's user avatar
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Can the Senate wait until the election and then confirm the president's Supreme Court nominee?

Currently the Republican held Senate has vowed to block any Supreme Court nominee by President Obama. The president recently nominated Merrick Garland. Merrick is fairly moderate and, while he's no ...
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