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Questions tagged [hungary]

Questions relating to the government or politics of Hungary.

2 votes
7 answers

Can a country refuse to extradite a person accused of attempted murder?

In 2023 in Hungary, masked antifa members injured participants of a right-wing demonstration, some of them seriously. The attack happened with metal rods, rubber mallets and pepper spray. The ...
TrailSurfer's user avatar
3 votes
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Does Hungary have anything to gain from defending Israel's actions in Gaza?

But despite Berlin joining the likes of France, Spain, Ireland and Belgium, which have strongly pushed for measures against violent Israeli extremist settlers in the West Bank, the EU is stuck. The ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

Why is it a violation of ECHR to have someone shackled in court?

In a recent case of outrage in Italy against Hungary: Andras Kadar of the Helsinki Committee told the BBC that although Hungarian prison authorities "routinely use physical restraints when ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Was anything done against Hungary to make it stop importing Russian oil?

Even amongst Western allies of Ukraine, Keatinge suggests sanctions lack “consistency”, with some countries buying petroleum products more actively than others, plus a few Russian banks can still use ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

What are Hungary PM Orban's stated reasons why letting in Ukraine would not be in the EU's interest?

The last few weeks have seen articles on the dislike Hungary's Orban has for Ukraine joining the EU. For example, straight from the horse's mouth: Starting accession negotiations with #Ukraine is a ...
Italian Philosophers 4 Monica's user avatar
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Is there a more exact quote/translation of what Orban said recently about aid to Ukraine?

RFERL has it as Speaking in Brussels on the sidelines of the EU summit where discussion was focused on support for Ukraine, Orban said there was a “big battle” over the matter and added that he saw ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Where does Hungary stand in EU politics?

From the last two years, it seems Orban is navigating closer and closer to Russia, and Hungary's relations with the EU are strained, to say the least. It seems there is a disagreement in many areas, ...
For Shani Nicole Louk's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Is Robert Fico on better personal terms with Viktor Orbán than other Slovak political leaders are?

Besides seeing the war in Ukraine in the same way [i.e. the West's fault and not wanting to support Ukraine with arms], what else unites Robert Fico and Viktor Orbán? Are the two on better personal ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

Can the NATO Command sue for the nullification of the treaty of accession of Hungary for non-compliance on the 2% contribution requirement?

Mr. Orban, Hungary's political leader, seems to be trying to use Hungary's membership in NATO by threatening to vote to not approve Sweden’s and Finland’s accession to the alliance unless it gets ...
Silvassy Petrirov's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Hungary — What’s the rationale behind voting about not voting about Sweden’s and Finland’s NATO accession? [closed]

Today, the quasi opposition motioned the formal legislation to vote on a formal bill introduced outlining the ratification of Hungary’s sister states in the EU, Finland and Sweden to NATO. (This bill ...
Silvassy Petrirov's user avatar
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Was anyone in Orbán's circle reported w/ clear & convincing evidence to have engaged in compelling adverse interest w/ the anecdotal "carrot & stick"?

Has there been any cases where, say, a video recording or audio recording stood as manifest proof of anyone within Fidesz, people with close ties thereto, NER or his family to have offered the stick ...
Silvassy Petrirov's user avatar
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How many times, and for how long has Orban had his legislation give him power to rule by decree since 2010?

I am looking for an answer with reliable sources to the specific dates between which such matters occurred. I'm sure the best source would be digging up the Hungarian quasi-legislations minutes, but I ...
Silvassy Petrirov's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there any good source of Hungary's legislative statistics?

Specifically, I am interested in figuring out the following pieces of information: How many times have the parliament voted on legislative acts since the Orban government since 2010; How many acts ...
Silvassy Petrirov's user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Why can't Hungary import oil from somewhere other than Russia without "ruin[ing] the Hungarian economy"?

Hungary is opposing a EU proposal to cut Russian oil imports by the end of this year. Their government said that doing so would "ruin the Hungarian economy". I see that they import some 60% ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Why are PiS and Fidesz split over Russia (and Ukraine)?

Apparently formalizing an (EP) alliance between Poland's ruling party PiS and Hungary's ruling part Fidesz, despite numerous ideological similarities, might be held back by differences over Russia and ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
2 votes
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Did the 'make Europe great again' alliance turn into an official EP party or group?

On April 1st (but seemingly not a joke) from Euronews... Hungary's Viktor Orbán has joined forces with Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki and Italy's Matteo Salvini to form a new right-wing ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
1 vote
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What might have prompted the EPP to change the rules so that it could have expelled Fidesz?

I'm trying to find the proximate events that might have led to the EPP changing their mind about Fidesz. What I could piece together in this saga is In 2019 the EPP suspends Fidesz, seemingly over ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Why did the Hungarian government promote a law that would clearly create a conflict with the European Commission's views?

Hungary passed a law that is viewed by the EU Commission to "discriminate against people because of their sexual orientation": Hungary on Wednesday rejected a demand from the European ...
Alexei's user avatar
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Where can I find the original text of Hungary's controversial new child protection bill?

I have read that there has been a new bill proposed in Hungary which, according to the Hungarian Prime Minister, seeks to protect children, but which has also been criticised for being anti-LGBT. Does ...
David's user avatar
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Did the Romanian president equate autonomy for the Székely with giving the area to Hungary in prior speeches?

I'm curious if Romanian president Iohannis has used such blunt language before today in describing autonomy proposals for the Székely (which he did reject before, but perhaps not using this kind of ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What rationale could be given for the Hungarian coronavirus bill, apart from constructing a dictatorship?

It is widely considered that the passing of the corona virus bill in Hungary is a huge step towards dictatorship. (See, for example, here:
Thern's user avatar
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What are the implications of Hungary's emergency coronavirus bill?

Today, Hungary's parliament voted by 137 to 53 to enact the new COVID-19 bill, which apparently grants Prime Minister Viktor Orbán sweeping powers, in order to allow Hungary to deal with the crisis. ...
CDJB's user avatar
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How did the Hungarian government manage to persuade people to prefer first (state) pension pillar instead of the second one?

I have recently saw an interview related to the second pension pillar in Romania. The Government was discussing moving contributions from the second pillar to the first one. Eventually the Government ...
Alexei's user avatar
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State institution possibly interfering with foreign policy

Hungary is continuously trying to establish a good relationship with Romania. As an example, Hungarian PM Viktor Orban and former Romanian PM Liviu Dragnea made a bilateral agreement that Romania ...
Adam Gyenge's user avatar
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Does the display of the Habsburg flag have any contemporary connotations in Austria or Hungary?

Numerous countries have historical flags which, when flown or otherwise celebrated, carry significant contemporary political connotations and are usually interpreted as a sign that the person flying ...
Statsanalyst's user avatar
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Why was there a sudden arrival of a million immigrants in Hungary in 2015?

I listened this morning to an interview with Michael Ignatieff. He was mostly talking about the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. At some point (14:55 in the podcast (in French)), while he was ...
WoJ's user avatar
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Why is not allowing homeless people in the streets considered against human rights?

BBC tells us about Hungary's effort to outlaw living on the streets: The law was brought in by Prime Minister Viktor Orban's government, but the United Nations called it "cruel" insisting it goes ...
Alexei's user avatar
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4 votes
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Why did Hungary oppose a refugee support agreement?

A UN General Assembly vote on a non-binding agreement to support those nations with the largest refugee populations has 181 supportive votes, three abstaining nations (Dominican Republic, Eritrea and ...
J.G.'s user avatar
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Why does the Hungarian government want to allow delaying payment for overtime for such a long time (up to three years)?

Protests have broken out in Hungary following the government's desire to increase the overtime limit and payment timeframe for this: Protests have broken out in Hungary after the country's ...
Alexei's user avatar
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Why does Hungary mix politics with children's education? [closed]

According to this article (one of) the grade 8 geography textbook shows several pictures there are clearly biased against EU and US: Then there is an incredible illustration in the grade 8 ...
Alexei's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Did Netanyahu publicly criticize Soros (or at least his views)?

A Vox article seems to imply so: And just hours before the nation-state law was passed, Netanyahu met with Hungary’s far-right Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in Israel. The two have bonded over their ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

How did Poland and Hungary manage to take over (nationalize) mandatory private pensions without breaking private property right?

Mandatory private pensions are still in focus in Romania after the Government thought about suspending contributions to them: The Government may suspend the contributions to mandatory private ...
Alexei's user avatar
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Why does Orbán concentrate so much in fighting some NGOs?

Recently, George Soros Group has left Hungary: Citing "an increasingly repressive political and legal environment" in Hungary, the OSF said in a statement that its decision to quit the country ...
Alexei's user avatar
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5 votes
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What alternatives did Victor Orban have to shutting down borders?

One opinion in favor of he hungarian prime minister Victor Orban is that he made multiple offers to the EU about how to handle the so-called "migration crisis": "Help us with the cost!" No. "So help ...
Zsolt's user avatar
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Why does Hungary no longer seem to support the BRUA gas pipeline project?

According to this article, BRUA gas pipeline project seems to be on hold after a surprise decision coming from Hungary: The Hungarian transmission system operator FGSZ took the European gas ...
Alexei's user avatar
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Do current EU treaties allow any discussions ("reinterpretations") of Treaty of Trianon?

This article comments upon a public speech held by János Lázár (Minister of Prime Minister's Office): “The Hungarian nation should receive if not material at least moral reparations for the ...
Alexei's user avatar
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Why does Hungary have a tendency to favor dictatorship after joining NATO and EU?

In 1956 Hungary was the first country within the Iron Curtain to revolt against the communist regime. It ended in 1989 when the Iron Curtain fell off and the country was able to quickly integrate in ...
Alexei's user avatar
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What is the goal of the Hungarian fence? To deter the refugees? Reduce the rate?

I'm talking about the Hungarian border barrier that has recently been built on the Hungary-Serbian borders. What is the official reason announced by the Hungarian government? Is the goal of this ...
Probably's user avatar
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Does Hungary fulfill the requirements of democracy given by the facts on the new voting system?

We had an election with a new voting system which was created by the governing party. The election system works like this: You can vote for electorates and party list. Half of the parliment comes from ...
CsBalazsHungary's user avatar