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Questions tagged [political-leaders]

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6 votes
1 answer

How much progress has Israel made in eliminating (or capturing) Hamas' leadership by the end of January 2024?

Similarly to what the US did in Iraq, Israel issued a "pack of cards" with the Hamas leaders they intend eliminated (or captured). At the beginning of December, 10 had already been checked ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
2 votes
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Is Robert Fico on better personal terms with Viktor Orbán than other Slovak political leaders are?

Besides seeing the war in Ukraine in the same way [i.e. the West's fault and not wanting to support Ukraine with arms], what else unites Robert Fico and Viktor Orbán? Are the two on better personal ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
13 votes
7 answers

Are there really any " leaders who have no other diplomatic channel to speak to one another..." besides Twitter?

At about 03:58 in NBC News' New Wave Of Resignations Hit Twitter After Musk's Ultimatum For Employees, NBC technology correspondent Jake Ward says the following about current events in Twitter and ...
uhoh's user avatar
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Does Keir Starmer fire more staff and colleagues than other political leaders?

Keir Starmer has, from some, a reputation of being trigger happy with dissenters from within his party and firing those who don't agree with him. From what I can find, he is only responsible for the ...
TheProseMix's user avatar
4 votes
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Is it a criminal offence to vote more than once in a UK party leadership election?

Ballots for the election of the leader of the UK Conservative Party have the following statement: It is an offence to vote more than once. Any member who attempts to do so will have their membership ...
billpg's user avatar
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How do political leaders decide what to do next in a crisis? [closed]

At present, politicians both in "the West" and in Russia may well be under the most extreme pressure of their entire careers. How do they all keep cool heads, and reach decisions about what ...
merendo07's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Is telling lies a part and parcel of politics?

I see that politicians lie a lot. And, very often they lie consciously. This is not only true in my country, but also true all around the world. Is telling lies a part and parcel of politics? Is it ...
user366312's user avatar
2 votes
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What are general benefits and disadvantages for political leaders to be honest with their people?

This is quite a broad question since obviously there are many different political systems and ways of governing around the world. But I would like to boil it down to some standard concepts of ...
FrontEnd's user avatar
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20 votes
5 answers

Why do news articles often refer to the leader as opposed to the country?

Some examples: Philippines' Duterte would send navy ships in South China Sea to assert claim over resources Putin's Answer to U.S. Sanctions Is More Economic Isolation Boris Johnson poised to raise ...
Allure's user avatar
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23 votes
7 answers

If the goal of communism is a stateless society, then why do we refer to authoritarian governments such as China as communist?

The actions taken by these governments seem to be more fascist than communist. The term communism is used to describe so many contradicting policies and it is very confusing.
Aaron's user avatar
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Why are regimes much harsher on mere civilians than their famous leaders?

Looking at events in places like Belarus, the Russian Empire, and modern Russia, it seems like there is more cruelty to mere civilians that to their leaders when those leaders are captured. The Tsar ...
R S's user avatar
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Why did the FvD board opt for suspending former leader Baudet, rather than letting him run in a board approved leadership election?

Over the past few days, the Dutch party Forum voor Democratie (FvD) has been in the news a lot. Thierry Baudet's Dutch Wikipedia page describes the events of the past few days as follows: Op 23 ...
JJJ's user avatar
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Why didn't Fumio Kishida and Shigeru Ishiba give up in the LDP leadership election?

Most of candidates was declined, like Tarō Asō and Tomomi Inada. Why Kishida and Ishiba wasn't declined? It is because of the rule of Liberal-Democratic Party, or other candidates gave up?
Clever TP's user avatar
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12 votes
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Why don't national leaders wear their national costume more often?

Example: the national costume of Malaysia for men is the Baju Melayu. The current Malaysian Prime Minister is Muhyiddin Yassin. Googling for images of him, we find lots of photos of him in a suit and ...
Allure's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Have any UK party leaders other than Sir Ed Davey been elected after previously losing a leadership contest?

Today, August 27th, Sir Ed Davey triumphed over competitors to become the leader of the Liberal Democrats after the position was vacated by Jo Swinson due to her failure to retain her Westminster seat ...
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