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Questions tagged [foreign-aid]

Questions relating to the voluntary transfer of resources from one country to another.

3 votes
2 answers

Understanding the exact legal procedure by which the U.S. government provides military funding to Israel?

I have done a little preliminary research which I would like fact-checked. The Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 laid out the rights and limitations the government has for providing foreign aid, ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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How much of the components of Ukranian aid from the US is unconditionally free, with conditions and a simple long-term loan?

Apparently, while Biden did sign a Lend-Lease act specifically for Ukraine (which is like a long-term loan that needs to be repaid), he instead mainly used other US programs to supply economic and ...
sfxedit's user avatar
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Is the US acknowledging that it's losing some leverage over Ukraine by cutting off aid?

There's this quote from Ukrainian FM Kuleba doing the rounds on social media, essentially talking about a quid-pro-quo: more Patriots in exchange for less attacks on Russian oil infrastructure (which ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What is preventing the UK from stopping arms exports to Israel?

Recent polling has shown that a majority of the UK public supports banning arms exports to Israel. A recent YouGov poll showed that 56% of all UK voters support a ban whilst 17% are against a ban. ...
Ben Cohen's user avatar
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Does the EU have similar deals with other countries to prevent migrants from illegally immigrating to Europe?

The European Union on Sunday announced a €7.4 billion aid package for cash-strapped Egypt amid concerns that economic pressure and conflicts and chaos in neighbouring countries could drive more ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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U.S. Speaker Johnson says the house will take up Ukrainian aid in next few weeks

The House is out of session, and holding a Republican strategy, team building retreat at the Green Briar Hotel in West Virginia. Yesterday Speaker Johnson announced at the retreat that the house would ...
JMS's user avatar
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Have any Congresspersons from the Democratic Party opposed more aid to Ukraine in itself, and if so what reasons did they give for that?

I'm aware that opposition for more aid to Ukraine mostly comes from the Republican camp these days. Nonetheless, some House Democrats like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez did oppose some earlier omnibus ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
17 votes
9 answers

Why is the help provided for Ukraine by the USA government perceived as excessive?

According to a December 2023 study, around half of American Republicans view the assistance provided to Ukraine as excessive. Around 16% of Democrats agree. USA is spending 877 billion dollars on its ...
Ruslan Oblov's user avatar
6 votes
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Is there a reason why demands for conditions to be attached to military aid for Israel mostly come from the Democrat side?

The tone towards the US is marked by the fact that both heads of government are cur- rently happy not to have to deal with their respective predecessor. In the first joint meeting of Biden and Bennett,...
Sayaman's user avatar
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Why don't countries disrupt food imports to Yemen as a response to attacks in the Red Sea?

Yemen is highly dependent on imported food given that only 2.2% of their land is arable: Imported food constitutes 83% of the daily calories’ intake of Yemenis. While stability of imports is vital to ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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9 votes
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Have Democrats or Republicans held up aid to Israel before, in the hope of getting a broader deal on other legislation?

Biden has threatened to veto a bill that would provide Israel-only aid, because that would scupper Democrats' attempts at getting a broader deal, including more funding for Ukraine etc. (Predictably, ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
5 votes
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Why could the House get 250-180 votes on some bill but not "muster the simple majority needed to set the terms for the bill’s debate"?

I find this AP report quite confusing: Johnson resorted to moving the bill through an expedited process that requires a two-thirds majority for passage. That’s because Republicans were unlikely to ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
4 votes
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How does the Canadian support for Ukraine financially compare with other foreign involvements (Afghanistan etc.)?

Like their [US] brethren to the south, Canadian conservatives are now increasingly saying Canada is sending too much to Ukraine. The percentage of Canadians who voted for the Conservative Party in ...
got trolled too much this week's user avatar
-4 votes
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Why is the US continuing to send the last military aid to Ukraine when it won't be enough to make a difference? [closed]

According to the Euro News: The United States announced on Wednesday it had released its last tranche of military aid for Ukraine. The White House approved $250 million (€225 million) in support, but ...
C.F.G's user avatar
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What US law(s) require countries receiving US military assistance to abide by international law, do these laws have teeth, get enforced, & if so, how?

In Face The Nation's December 18, 2023 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been a "difficult partner," Sen. Chris Coons says (cued at 05:23), Delaware Senator Chris Coons is asked ...
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