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  • Member for 5 months
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42 votes

Can God transcend human logic and reasoning?

22 votes

Evil God Challenge: What if an evil god is just trolling humanity and that explains why there's good in the world?

18 votes

Are there any fallacies in Stephen C. Meyer's argument for classical theism from the Big Bang singularity?

10 votes

If God is non-physical, does God become unnecessary as a cause?

7 votes

Is there a work of fiction so "fictional", that is so different from our everyday reality, that there is absolutely nothing similar to it?

7 votes

Does or could ChatGPT understand text?

5 votes

Historiography of the Holocaust and its ethical dimension

5 votes

Extraterrestrial organisms similar to humans and design

4 votes

If a given type of event has never been believed when it didn’t really happen, does belief in such an event necessarily indicate that it happened?

4 votes

Through the lens of classical metaphysics exclusively, what has been said on the plausability of action across a void at a distance?

3 votes

In the field of exploring the fusion of pragmatics and semantics, which scholars and papers are worth paying attention to?

3 votes

Books about what are good and bad

3 votes

Are we only justified in holding beliefs that are supported by evidence susceptible to peer review, leading to substantial intersubjective consensus?

3 votes

What is the use in arguing for or against the existence of metaphysical things?

2 votes

Was Fedorov's cosmism a "materialized Hegelianism"?

2 votes

Are there versions of theism or supernaturalism that offer testable predictions?

2 votes

Is materialism essential to scientific progress?

1 vote

Is AI Mimicking or Simulating?

1 vote

Is there a stalemate between Skeptical Theism and The Evidential Problem of Evil?

1 vote

Does Thomas Hobbes assert that political philosophy or civic philosophy as it was known then, began with him?

1 vote

What would it be like for a person with no senses and no motor functions at all since birth?

1 vote

What are some resources for writing professional philosophical research articles?

1 vote

Implicit assumptions of the statement "If I've come to exist once, I will come to exist again" and if it could be disproved

1 vote

Is design harder to rule out than the lack of it?

1 vote

What is the name of this logical fallacy: Why should your god be the one?

1 vote

Is the incompatibility between omniscience and freewill irrelevant?

1 vote

In the argument of Contingency(Leibnizian Cosmological Argument) can a necessary existent have alternatives?

1 vote

How can religious conception of choice be consistent with the notion of omnipotent, all powerful God?

1 vote

Is there a fallacy for "A doesn't work very well, therefore B is better than A"?

1 vote

Would it be moral for Danish resitance in WW2 to kill collaborators?