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Questions tagged [process]

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The study of intelligence is an interdisciplinary field of study. What other academic fields, beyond philosophy, theorize/explore intelligence? [closed]

I have embarked on a project developing a unified theory of intelligence, based on the thesis that there is one essential form of intelligence - biological human intelligence (leaving aside the idea ...
jsc2308's user avatar
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Sheldrake's Fields as Formal Causes

Why do we not consider fields as formal causes, especially in light of Rupert Sheldrake's analysis of morphogenetic fields? How does Sheldrake's hypothesis of formative causation challenge our ...
Paradox Lost's user avatar
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What does process philosophy contribute to cognitive science?

What does process philosophy contribute to cognitive science? Is it newer constructs, hypotheses, or something else?
Sunreeta Bhattacharya's user avatar
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The concept of evolution as a synthetic tool in science?

Darwin’s theory, notably after the update by the Modern Synthesis from the 20th century, developed into the main paradigm of today’s biology. It is not only a synthesis of different results which ...
Jo Wehler's user avatar
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Formal deduction of Whitehead's Philosophy of Organism

In Process and Reality Whitehead starts off the investigation by giving his categoreal scheme - different types of categories and their derivatives, as well as some axioms. If I understand correctly, ...
Yechiam Weiss's user avatar
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Beginning of time problems?

Dear philosophy stackexchange, I'm curious as to whether there have been arguments by philosophers for there being a finite past/future or whether it has always been past/future temporally infinite? ...
The victorious truther's user avatar
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Is process philosophy at odds with orthodox Christian theology?

Process philosophy regards change, as opposed to stasis, as the basis of reality. Does this contradict orthodox Christian theology, such as Catholicism, Orthodoxy, and the various Protestant ...
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The non-spacetime existence of processes

I've been reading Process Philosophy and the Whiteheadian conception of processes describe them to be existing in "non-spacetime" dimensions. How can it be explicated in simpler terms? "Non-spacetime" ...
user43163's user avatar
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In a Descartes square are the statements just the negations of each other?

There is a decision making method based on wrapping problems into a Descartes square by answering 4 questions. I've tried to use it for my own decision process but I couldn't figure out what to place ...
Ilya Cherevkov's user avatar
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Can we have more than a conviction that a statement is true?

How do we know 1 + 1 = 2 ? We step through the logic, one step at time, and at the end we agree it is a true statement. So at the end we know something is true because in the process we can ...
PeterJens's user avatar
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