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Questions tagged [existence-of-god]

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-1 votes
3 answers

If God is an immaterial being, is it impossible for Him to exist?

Most people, even atheists, often at least recognize the possibility that God may exist but claim that it is very improbable. But if God is defined as an immaterial being, is the notion of that even ...
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1 vote
2 answers

Could God be a Gödelian sentence?

first of all I must specify that I am a mathematician so I hope I am using the appropriate words to formulate my question. Recently, while talking with some colleagues, a question arose; Based on the ...
Luis Alexandher's user avatar
1 vote
6 answers

How can one refute this argument that claims to do away with omniscience as a divine attribute?

Definition of omniscience: X is omniscient = for the whole preposition P, X knows the value of P. Let T be the set of all true propositions. An omniscient being knows all these propositions (T). Let ...
Alex Iglesias's user avatar
2 votes
7 answers

Does probability require a beginning? Can it apply to eternal things like god?

When it comes to the probability of something coming into fruition, a number is calculated based upon the future. The probability of a dice landing on 6 means that if one were to roll a dice in the ...
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1 vote
3 answers

How can God exist but allow such suffering and inequality? [duplicate]

I know this question may be have been asked innumerable times over the last 4,000 years but I'm curious to see how serious theists reconcile God's existence with the horrible suffering that a very ...
Max's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

What is the best/most convincing objection to the Ontological Argument?

In A History of Western Philosophy, Bertrand Russell says (p. 568) Kant countered this argument by maintaining that “existence” is not a predicate. Another kind of refutation results from my theory ...
sket's user avatar
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5 answers

What speaks against the "every creation has a creator" proof of god?

I'll preface this by saying that I am not at all with philosophy and I lack most basics. I've seen many people say that (1) every creation has creator and thus a god has to exist and (2) that there ...
Neins's user avatar
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4 answers

Does Omnipotence of God imply nonexistence of physical laws

I have already asked a similar question about omniscience of God implying determinism. I was corrected by people that this is actually fatalism and that there are different forms of omniscience. Here ...
eeqesri's user avatar
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5 answers

Does existence of omniscient God imply Determinism?

I have a question about an argument for why the world must be completely deterministic if there is an omniscient God and wanted to know about the validity of the argument. If the premise is that God ...
eeqesri's user avatar
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-1 votes
6 answers

Do all design arguments for god ultimately suffer from circularity?

The design argument when it comes to the adaptations that organisms have stems from “These features look like something God would want to design and seem improbable under naturalism” to “God must have ...
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2 votes
3 answers

Justifying God's existence by our existence

I have a friend that claims to be theist because they exist and it's extremely unlikely for them (and the Universe, their experience of life, etc.) to exist. They say that it would be simpler (for ...
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-3 votes
1 answer

Is this a way to solve to Russell's/"liar paradox"? [closed]

So only liar paradox Liar said: Im liar or little easy lie is existing ... as Gödel sad you can't fix paradox in it's own space, so you need a protospace.obviously. Okey, lets talk about what is a lie....
άνθρωπος's user avatar
12 votes
17 answers

Is Andalusi/Rasmussen's proof for the existence of God correct?

Summary of his argument: Every limited thing's existence has a cause. The universe is limited. Therefore, the universe's existence must have a cause. Now, naturally, the question arises: what caused ...
tryingtobeastoic's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Does the notion of creation-from-nothingness presuppose the notion of existence-as-a-predicate?

Presupposition of the question. The question, "Does X exist?" is either trivial or empty. On the one hand, as Hume said one time, it seems as if in thinking of something, I always think of ...
Kristian Berry's user avatar
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What is the definition of 'The System of all positive properties is compatible'?

A sentence at the end of goedel's 1970 proof of god's existence is: The possibility of god's existence means 'The System of all positive properties is compatible' But without knowledge what ...
user3647093's user avatar

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