Updating your property page and host profile

Updated 5 months ago | 5 min read time

Once you’ve registered your property on our platform, the next step is to update your property page. You can add a variety of content to give your listing more detail and make it more attractive to potential guests.

What’s in this article

Adding room information

Before you can start receiving bookings, you’ll need to add your rooms and units to your profile, as well as their availability. Read this article to find out how you can add, open, close and delete rooms and units.

You can also customise the names of your rooms or units, change the room or unit type, as well as adjust the maximum occupancy for individual rooms or units. Finally, it’s a good idea to add room facilities. This gives potential guests a clearer idea of what they can expect at your property.

Adding property facilities

You can list the facilities available at your property to give guests a better idea of what they can expect. On the Facilities and Services page in the extranet, you can find the Top Facilities – those that guests look for most. If you don’t see a specific facility on the extranet, we suggest either selecting a closely related one or simply adding the information to About the property. You’ll find this in the extranet by clicking Property and then Your profile. Read more about updating your facilities.

Your property description

We use your facilities, location details and other items from your property information to auto-generate a property description containing the most relevant information for potential guests. This description appears under your photos on your property page.

We’re always working to optimise your property descriptions. Auto-generated content is highly effective at attracting potential guests because it’s:

  • Always up to date – auto-generating the property description means it’s always current and most relevant to what potential guests are searching for.
  • Attention-grabbing – our data shows that guests don’t read the whole description. That’s why we succinctly state the facilities, landmarks and neighbourhood information that travellers are most interested in.
  • Available in all supported languages – we market your property all around the world in up to 43 different languages. Being able to quickly and easily translate your description helps us guarantee guests are seeing the most accurate information.

We don’t change these auto-generated descriptions unless there’s a factual discrepancy. If there’s something incorrect related to the property type, facilities or location information you’ve provided, you can follow these instructions to change your property description.

There’s also a fine print section on your property page, where you can pick from several standard phrases and add additional information to your profile. Read this article to find out how to do this.

Adding photos

Our data shows that guests typically give only 10 seconds’ consideration before leaving a page they aren’t interested in. Photos are the most engaging form of content – and the best way to boost bookings and show how unique your property is. 

You’ll need to upload at least one photo of your property to sign up to our platform, but we recommend adding as many photos as possible. You can always add, change or delete the pictures later. Read more about which photos you need for a home, apartment or vacation rental and what photos attract families.

The Property Page Score serves as a content checklist to help you boost the attractiveness of your property page. It includes photos, as well as many other types of useful content to consider. Read more about how the Property Page Score can help you attract guests.

Updating your profile

You can update your host profile information by adding personalised information – these are the things that make you, your property and your neighbourhood unique. 

Completing your host profile tells guests a bit more about yourself and what makes your place special. It paints a complete picture of your property and shows potential guests that you’re an authentic person.

The information you include should be personable yet professional, such as information about yourself and your property as well as insider knowledge of the surrounding area. You can even write a welcome message for your future guests. You can update the information either via the extranet or via the Pulse app.

To update your host profile on the extranet, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the extranet.
  2. Under Property, click on Your profile.
  3. Add the information about the host and the property.
  4. Click Save.

To complete your host profile and share more information about your property with potential guests via the Pulse app, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Pulse app and tap on More.
  2. If you manage multiple properties on Pulse, select the property you want to add information for under Property details.
  3. Tap on Your profile.
  4. Add a photo of yourself or your property, and add a name.
  5. Add information about your property, the neighbourhood and/or yourself.
  6. Tap on Save to confirm your changes.

You can set up your host profile in multiple languages. To do so, select Add language and repeat the above steps.

Please note that any personal information included in these sections won’t be displayed. This includes all personal identifiable information, like your phone number, date of birth or email address. If you’ve already filled out one of these sections but it isn’t showing on your property page, please check the content and remove any personal information.

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