Everything about quality ratings: FAQs

Updated 3 months ago | 5 min read time

Quality rating system is available for eligible properties on our platform, to allow guests to filter homes and apartment-like properties based on their rating and easily find accommodation that matches their requirements. 

Quality rating is displayed as yellow tiles next to your property name in search results and on your property page, but it's important to note that they are not the same as hotel star ratings. 


Where do I find my rating?

You can find more information on your quality rating in the extranet. 

Go to the extranet


  • Quality ratings are created by combining factors like the accuracy of property information in the extranet, which can be divided over five major categories: 

    • Facilities, amenities and/or services offered
    • Property configuration, such as unit size, number of rooms and occupancy
    • The number and quality of your photos
    • The average guest review score
    • Anonymised and aggregated historical booking data 

    To achieve a positive rating, we recommend that you do the following:

    • Make sure all facilities and amenities listed are correct per room or unit
    • Configure all room or unit sizes and capacity correctly
    • Describe your property as accurately as possible
  • There are 11 property types on our platform that can receive a quality rating:

    • Apartments
    • Holiday homes
    • Villas
    • Guest houses
    • B&Bs
    • Aparthotels
    • Country houses
    • Farmstays
    • Chalets
    • Riads
    • Gites

    For all categories apart from the first three – apartments, holiday homes and villas –  this rating only applies to properties with private units and without shared facilities.  

    To be included in this rating system, your property must have: 

    • All rooms or units marked as open and bookable
    • No existing star rating in the extranet 
    • If your property has a guest review score, it must have an overall cleanliness score of 6.0 or higher

    Once you receive a quality rating, you’ll be notified by a banner in the extranet.

  • There is currently no option to remove the rating from your property page.

  • Find your quality rating in the extranet by following these steps:

    1. Log in to the extranet
    2. Click on Property
    3. Click on Quality Rating / Property Page Score

    If your property hasn’t received a quality rating yet, you will only be able to view your Property page score. Even if you have a quality rating, your Property page score can still be found on this page.

    On this page, you’ll also see your Highlights – a selection of categories that have the biggest influence on your quality rating. However, other facilities, amenities and services are still important and you should regularly check they’re up to date.

    A section called Suggestions shows tailored recommendations on which facilities and/or amenities could increase the quality of your property. This feature is currently only available for apartments, holiday homes and villas.

    The Property page score is an essential part of the quality rating – the higher your Property page score, the higher your quality rating.

  • The quality rating is not updated instantly, but on a rolling basis. When you update your settings in the extranet, it can take some time before changes are visible in  your rating.

  • All eligible properties can be included in this rating system, no matter where they’re located.

  • Your rating is based on many variables, such as the size and location of your property, the amenities and facilities you offer and your guest review scores. These ratings are periodically updated to be as accurate as possible.

  • No, this rating system is designed to complement reviews. Similar to hotel star ratings, the quality rating helps potential guests find what they’re looking for with more ease and accuracy by letting them know what to expect at each property.

  • All guests browsing our platform, including via our mobile app, will be able to view property quality ratings.

  • Once your property has been verified as eligible, your quality rating will be displayed next to your property name on your property page.

  • Each property’s rating is based on the information you’ve provided in the extranet and guest review scores. If your properties have different ratings, it’s because one or more of these criteria differ.

  • We analyse over 400 different features, including facilities, amenities, services, interior photos and unit configuration, and then highlight the categories that set you apart from properties around you.

  • There are no changes to how your Property page score is calculated and it continues to function as before.

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