Henk W. Volberda

Amsterdam, Noord-Holland, Nederland Contactgegevens
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Henk W. Volberda is Professor of Strategic Management and Innovation at Amsterdam…


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  • University of Amsterdam Business School

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  • Interorganizational collaboration and firm innovativeness: Unpacking the role of the organizational environment

    Journal of Business Research

    n firm decisions to engage in interorganizational collaboration in the context of innovation, conceptions of the organizational environment play an essential role. In this paper, we develop a multidimensional model of how managers use interorganizational collaboration as an organizational response to particular environmental conditions and an important instrument to boost firm innovativeness. Based on a literature review on the subject, we investigated the role of environmental turbulence…

    n firm decisions to engage in interorganizational collaboration in the context of innovation, conceptions of the organizational environment play an essential role. In this paper, we develop a multidimensional model of how managers use interorganizational collaboration as an organizational response to particular environmental conditions and an important instrument to boost firm innovativeness. Based on a literature review on the subject, we investigated the role of environmental turbulence, market heterogeneity and competitive intensity as such conditions. The analysis of firm data from a broad range of industries showed that environmental turbulence and market heterogeneity have an indirect association with firm innovativeness through interorganizational collaboration. The relationship of market heterogeneity was fully mediated suggesting that collaboration is unavoidable for firms in heterogeneous markets. Contrary to arguments in the literature, the findings demonstrated that although competitive intensity is associated with less interorganizational collaboration and lower firm innovativeness, the mediation relationship was not significant.

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  • Case studie Hoofdkantoren - 'The place to be'

    Financieele Dagblad / FD Outlook Special 'BV Nederland Vestigingsklimaat'

  • Strategies to increase innovation in efficiency-driven ports: The interorganizational challenge

    European Academy of Management (EURAM) Rotterdam 2012 Conference Paper

    Paper presented in Rotterdam (RSM Erasmus University), Netherlands (June 7th, 2012)

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  • The strategic value of the Port of Rotterdam for the international competitiveness of the Netherlands: A first exploration

    INSCOPE Research for Innovation / RSM Erasmus University (ISBN/EAN 978-90-817220-2-5)

  • Strategic Management: Competitiveness & Globalization


    Volberda, Morgan and Reinmoeller have joined with Hitt, Ireland and Hoskisson to develop a truly landmark strategic management textbook that is ideally suited for courses in Europe, the Middle East and Africa as well as other global markets. With a new process perspective to supplement the text’s trademark integrated approach, Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization provides the most comprehensive and thorough coverage of strategic management now available in the market. Whilst…

    Volberda, Morgan and Reinmoeller have joined with Hitt, Ireland and Hoskisson to develop a truly landmark strategic management textbook that is ideally suited for courses in Europe, the Middle East and Africa as well as other global markets. With a new process perspective to supplement the text’s trademark integrated approach, Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization provides the most comprehensive and thorough coverage of strategic management now available in the market. Whilst maintaining the strengths and hallmark features of the original work, this new strategy text has been specially prepared to match the modern EMEA curriculum with boosted coverage of implementation issues, analysis of how firms use strategic management tools, techniques and concepts, a balanced emphasis on economics and resource-based perspectives and expanded coverage of comparative governance and organizational renewal.

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  • The Conjoint Influence of Top and Middle Management Characteristics on Management Innovation

    Journal of Management / Sage (forthcoming)

    Management innovation entails the introduction of new-to-the-firm changes in management structures, processes, and practices intended to improve organizational functioning. We draw on relational demography theory to elucidate how behavioral dispositions stemming from top management and middle management similarity in professional characteristics (functional background and educational level) and bio-demographic characteristics (age and gender) may facilitate management innovation. We argue that…

    Management innovation entails the introduction of new-to-the-firm changes in management structures, processes, and practices intended to improve organizational functioning. We draw on relational demography theory to elucidate how behavioral dispositions stemming from top management and middle management similarity in professional characteristics (functional background and educational level) and bio-demographic characteristics (age and gender) may facilitate management innovation. We argue that while a throughput functional orientation of top management can be expected to stimulate management innovation, greater similarity between top and middle management will strengthen the association between top management throughput orientation and management innovation by (1) engendering consistency in behavioral expectations between the managerial echelons and (2) motivating middle management to engage in extra-role behaviors. We test our theory on a sample of more than 8,000 top and middle managers in a cross-section of 33 organizations from 2000–2008 and adopt a novel content analysis-based measure of management innovation. We find compelling support for the moderating influence of professional similarity between top and middle management, but uncover more complex patterns for cross-echelon similarity in bio-demographic characteristics. We discuss implications for understanding the role of managers in management innovation, joint consideration of top and middle management characteristics in organizational change processes, the interplay between various types of innovation, and the measurement of management innovation. Promising future research directions are suggested.

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  • Advanced course in writing and speaking English for PhDs


  • Course Organization Design, NIVE


  • Individuele leergang Academisch leiderschap voor Erasmus University


  • M.B.A. course Strategy Implementation, The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania


  • NLTP: Course Performance Evaluations


  • Ph.D. course Organizational Diagnosis Group Dynamics, The Wharton School


  • Ph.D. seminar Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Corporate Venturing, The Wharton School


  • Postgraduate Course `Internal Organization,' Faculty of Economics, University of Limburg, Maastricht.


  • Postgraduate Course `Methodology of Business Economics,' Faculty of Economics, University of Groningen


  • Postgraduate Course `Theory Building and Research Methodology


  • Teaching with Cases Workshop, Rotterdam School of Management



  • Onderzoek naar Ondernemerschap met Erasmus Universiteit

    In samenwerking met de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (innovatie instituut INSCOPE - Research for Innovation) doet Avéro Achmea onderzoek naar ondernemerschap onder adviseurs en zakelijke klanten. Goed ondernemerschap leidt tot grotere advieswaarde. Met dit onderzoek willen we adviseurs ondersteunen en inspireren die waarde te vergroten. Concreet biedt het zowel adviseurs als zakelijke klanten van adviseurs mooie handvatten voor het optimaliseren van hun ondernemerschap. Medio januari sluit het…

    In samenwerking met de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (innovatie instituut INSCOPE - Research for Innovation) doet Avéro Achmea onderzoek naar ondernemerschap onder adviseurs en zakelijke klanten. Goed ondernemerschap leidt tot grotere advieswaarde. Met dit onderzoek willen we adviseurs ondersteunen en inspireren die waarde te vergroten. Concreet biedt het zowel adviseurs als zakelijke klanten van adviseurs mooie handvatten voor het optimaliseren van hun ondernemerschap. Medio januari sluit het onderzoek, waarna wij medio maart de resultaten, conclusies en interessante casussen presenteren in een boek. Dit doen wij op het symposium 'de Waarde van advies' van Avéro Achmea, dat gaat over ondernemerschap op 11 maart 2014.

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  • Quick Scan Flexibility

    - heden

    Coordinating the QSF and communicating with both client and participants of the masterclass or lecture.

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  • Nomination CMI Management Book of the Year


    Textbook "Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization (Cengage, 2011)" nominated in the Category Management & Leadership Textbook as well as best E-books

  • Berenschot Thesis Award


    Second Prize for guiding the thesis ‘Tapping into the global brain; How four Dutch multinationals organize R&D in emerging economies to increase their absorptive capacity’ of former MSc student Michiel de Man.

  • Ernst & Young Master Thesis Award

    Ernst & Young

    Second Prize for guiding the thesis ‘Tapping into the global brain; How four Dutch multinationals organize R&D in emerging economies to increase their absorptive capacity’ of former MSc student Michiel de Man.

  • ERIM Award for Impact on Management Practice 2007

    Erasmus Research Institute in Management

    Award based on the high societal impact of the research on Social Innovation, awarded to Henk Volberda, Frans van den Bosch and Justin Jansen.

  • ERIM Top Article Award 2007

    Erasmus Research Institute in Management

    Award for the article ‘Exploratory Innovation, Exploitative Innovation, and Performance: Effects of Organizational Antecedents and Environmental Moderators’ by Justin Jansen, Frans van den Bosch & Henk Volberda, published in Management Science.

  • DSM Business to Business Thesis Award


    Award for guiding the winning master thesis ‘Double Handed Champions; Ambidextrous Organizations’ of former MSc student Krista Bruine de Bruin.

  • ERIM Award for Impact on Management Practice

    Erasmus Research Institute in Management

    Award based on the high societal impact of the Innovation Essay “Rethinking the Dutch Innovation Agenda: Management Matters Most” produced for the Innovation Lecture of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs 2004.

  • Best Strategy Paper Award, Annual Conference on Corporate Strategy

    SAP AG Germany

    Award received March 12, 2005 in Germany for the paper on Innovation and Ambidexterity by Justin Jansen, Frans A.J. van den Bosch and Henk W. Volberda. Out of more than 100 papers from 10 countries an international Program Advisory Board selected this paper for the Award (€ 2.500 and plaque). The Award is sponsored by SAP AG Germany.

  • Cap Gemini, Ernst & Young Strategy Award

    Cap Gemini, Ernst & Young

    Award (Eur 2.500) for guiding the winning master thesis “Disaggregating the Firm by means of Business Process Outsourcing” of former M.Sc. student Carolien Heemskerk.

  • ERIM Award for Impact on Management Practice

    Erasmus Research Institute in Management

    Award for focused and relevant research on Strategic Renewal in the Financial Services Sector published in a special issue of Long Range Planning entitled “Mastering Strategic Renewal: Lessons from the Financial Services”.

  • ERIM Beste Book Award

    Erasmus Research Institute in Management

    For Book volume “Rethinking Strategy” published by Sage (2001). It provides an essential and thoughtful overview of strategic management, with internationally renowned contributors summarizing the latest directions and developments in strategic management theory. These include redrawing firm boundaries, developing dynamic capabilities and discovering viable strategy configurations. As well as providing an outline and evaluation of the different schools of thought in strategy, the volume offers…

    For Book volume “Rethinking Strategy” published by Sage (2001). It provides an essential and thoughtful overview of strategic management, with internationally renowned contributors summarizing the latest directions and developments in strategic management theory. These include redrawing firm boundaries, developing dynamic capabilities and discovering viable strategy configurations. As well as providing an outline and evaluation of the different schools of thought in strategy, the volume offers a well-integrated synthesis of the American and European approaches to the topic.

  • Finalist of SMS Best paper Conference Paper Prize

    Strategic management Society

    For the paper: R.A. van Wijk, F.A.J. van den Bosch, H.W. Volberda, Absorptive Capacity in Internal Networks: Exploring or Exploiting New Knowledge?, Strategic Management Society 19th Annual International Conference, Berlin, Germany, October 3-6, 1999. Prize consisted of a Honorable Mention (cheque and plaque), for second ranked paper.

  • ROA Professional Publication Award


    For winning article "Alliance Capability as source of Competitive Advantage" co-authored with Johan Draulans and Ard-Pieter de Man and published in Holland Management Review. Johan Draulans was student, Henk Volberda supervisor, and Ard-Pieter de Man was cosultant at KPMG alliances

  • ANBAR Citation of Excellence

    ANBAR Electronic Intelligence

    For the paper: Volberda, H.W. (1997), joint author, ‘Strategic Renewal: how large complex organizations prepare for the future’ International Studies of Management & Organization, 27 (2). The paper has been cited with the highest quality rating by ANBAR Electronic Intelligence.

  • Erasmus University Research Award

    Erasmus University

    Award received for publications in the Strategy and Organization field. The award is presented each year to a University member who has shown outstanding research output.

  • ERASM Award

    Erasmus Institute for Advances Studies in Management

    Research Award received for PhD study Organizational Flexibility: Chane and Preservation. The prize was for the first time awarded by the Erasmus Institute for Advanced Studies in Management

  • Igor Ansoff Strategic Management Award

    PWC Advisory

    The Igor Ansoff Award was presented to a person who has distinguished himself by making an outstanding theoretical or practical contribution to the development of strategic management. The award consists of a sculpture, a certificate and a cash price of EUR 50,000,-

  • NCD Scholarship

    Netherlands Centre for Directors

    Prize for Master Thesis "Flexibility of Organizations". The prize of EUR 12,500 from the Dutch Institute of Directors was annulally awarded to the most outstanding Master Thesis in the filed of Management and Organization. The prize, a scholarship, had to be spent on a supplementary study outside the Netherlands


  • English, German


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