

Geestelijke gezondheidszorg

Amsterdam, North Holland 20.482 volgers

Op een missie om mentale gezondheid toegankelijk te maken voor iedereen.

Over ons

OpenUp is een online platform voor mentaal welzijn gevestigd in Amsterdam en Berlijn, met als missie om mentaal welzijn voor iedereen toegankelijk te maken. 🌱 Via ons platform bieden wij medewerkers de mogelijkheid om kosteloos, onbeperkt en anoniem consulten te boeken bij psychologen - binnen 24 uur en in meer dan 19 talen. Daarnaast maken we ook interactieve content over mentale gezondheid en relevante thema's door: - Mindfulness sessies (alleen of in groepen) - Groepssessies om samen uitdagingen te bespreken - Masterclasses en blogposts over actuele onderwerpen Door de unieke combinatie van tech en human touch creëren wij zinvolle, emotionele banden met miljoenen mensen. In cijfers: OpenUp werkt samen met meer dan 650 bedrijven in Europa en helpt de mentale veerkracht van meer dan 200.000 medewerkers te verbeteren. Meer weten? Ontdek hoe OpenUp jouw organisatie kan ondersteunen en stuur ons een bericht via

Geestelijke gezondheidszorg
51 - 200 medewerkers
Amsterdam, North Holland
Particuliere onderneming
Employee Well-Being, Mental Health, Mental Well-Being, Resilience, Stress Management, Mindfulness, Workplace Wellbeing, Manager development, Personal development, Productivity, EAP, Sleep, Nutrition, Work performance, GBU, Vertrouwenspersoon, Psychologist, Lifestyle experts, Employee support, Mental Health Platform, Mental Well-Being Platform, Burnout prevention, Employee Benefit, Work culture, Physical well-being en emotional well-being



Medewerkers van OpenUp


  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor OpenUp, afbeelding

    20.482 volgers

    OpenUp HR Summit 2024 is loading… 0%🟩🟩🟩⬜️ 100% Get ready for our 4-day online summit, where we will explore key trends and challenges in mental well-being in the workplace. From October 7th to 10th, we’ll bring you new topics and guest speakers each day, offering invaluable insights for HR professionals and leaders from organisations of all sizes, focused on creating a healthier work environment. Don't want to miss this year's OpenUp HR Summit? Save the date and make sure you don’t miss any updates so you can secure your spot early on. Registration starts soon, along with our first speaker announcements. Last year’s speakers included: Caroline Tervoort-Visser, Marta Montesdeoca Romero, Martin Silvester FRICS MBA, James Owen Lewis, Marlo Schlaghecke-Stijweg, Simon Adair, David Hulsenbek and many more. 🌟 Exciting good news: this year’s program will be available in both English and German again! Miriam Sternitzky (née Rabung), Daniella Fornell, Max Weber, Annahita Esmailzadeh and a great selection of more inspiring people joined us last year and made the HR Summit an unforgettable experience. We can’t wait to see you all at this game-changing online summit! #employeeengagement #humanresources #mentalhealth

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor OpenUp, afbeelding

    20.482 volgers

    Struggling to maintain a good work-life balance? ⚖ In the latest mini episode, Marta and Gijs dive into essential strategies for achieving harmony between your professional and personal life. You can expect to... the importance of having a personal and/or company mission to stay focused and reduce distractions 🧠 ...get practical tips on managing your time and energy effectively to enhance productivity and well-being ⏳ ...learn how incorporating playfulness into your daily routine can improve your work-life balance and overall happiness 🤹♀️ Tune into the full episode via the link in the comments. #mentalhealth #employeewellbeing #wellbeing

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor OpenUp, afbeelding

    20.482 volgers

    Last week, we were invited to host a 'Dealing with Change' session 🌊 at TIER Mobility-Dott's company event, following their recent merger. Our psychologist Jan led an inspiring workshop for their 350 employees, focusing on navigating the waves of organisational change. Key highlights from the session: 🌱 Exploring the impact of change on individuals and teams 🌱 Encouraging employees to share personal experiences with change 🌱 Introducing the 'Circle of Concern' tool for managing challenging situations It was truly energising to see the TIER Mobility-Dott team embrace new perspectives and strategies for adapting to change. We're looking forward to continuing our work together and supporting their growth journey! #mentalhealth #wellbeing #humanresources

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor OpenUp, afbeelding

    20.482 volgers

    As #InternationalSelfCareDay wraps up, let's take a moment to reflect on our well-being. 🌿 Self-care isn't just a one-day event—it's an ongoing journey. If you didn’t prioritise yourself today, that’s perfectly okay! Every day is a new opportunity to focus on your needs. 👇 Swipe through to explore the 7 pillars of self-care and consider what you might need right now. Remember, it’s okay if everything didn’t go as planned. Self-care is all about small, consistent steps toward feeling your best. In the workplace, we can set an example by making self-care a priority. It helps everyone stay balanced and fosters a healthier, more supportive environment. Let’s inspire each other to keep going! #selfcare #employeewellbeing #mentalhealth

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor OpenUp, afbeelding

    20.482 volgers

    💭 What is the last thing that scared you? 💭 Our psychologist Kim shares a moment that made her feel a little uncomfortable and how she managed to handle it. Watch as Kim picks an OpenUp card and opens up about facing fears. These candid moments give you a glimpse into the experiences and coping strategies of our team members. Ready for more honest conversations about mental well-being? Catch new OpenUp card moments weekly! #mentalhealth #wellbeing #workplacewellbeing

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor OpenUp, afbeelding

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    How irresistible is your company? Both from the inside and the outside? ⚔ In our latest "OpenUp at the workplace" #podcast episode, Ingeborg van Harten (founder of 7people ✨) shares her experience in building irresistible companies and how this can positively impact turnover rates and sickness days. 🌟 Dive into the full episode to explore all parts of this inspiring conversation (link in the comments) #podcast #workculture #humanresources

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor OpenUp, afbeelding

    20.482 volgers

    🗓️ SAVE THE DATE: 07th - 10th October 2024 Mark your calendars and get ready for the OpenUp HR Summit 2024! ⛰️ Is mental well-being on top of your HR and business agenda? Great! This online summit promises to be a game-changer for you. Join daily online panels featuring thought leaders sharing insights on HR topics like the role of managers in workplace well-being. Don't miss this year's OpenUp HR Summit, where we will explore key trends and challenges facing companies of all sizes. 🌟 4 days of programming with daily topics and speakers 🌟 4+ hours of engaging panels, including live Q&A sessions 🌟 10+ guests with diverse backgrounds sharing their learnings 🌟 1,500+ attendees at the OpenUp HR Summit in 2023 👉 Prepare to be inspired, motivated, and equipped with the tools you need to thrive in today's dynamic landscape. 👉 Stay tuned for agenda updates, speaker reveals, and more surprises along the way. Together, let's shape a future where mental well-being takes centre stage in every organisation. #employeeengagement #humanresources #mentalhealth

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  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor OpenUp, afbeelding

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    🥦🧠 Can your diet make you smarter or hinder your cognitive abilities? How does the microbiome influence your mood and mental well-being? In our latest masterclass, Iris Sommer (neuroscientist and psychiatrist at the University Medical Center Groningen) unravelled the connections between our gut flora, immune system, and brain. Explore the profound impact of our gut microbiome—the diverse ecosystem of microorganisms residing in our digestive tract—on our brain and mental well-being. Watch the full masterclass via the link in the comments 👇

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor OpenUp, afbeelding

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    🌟 OpenUp x ChannelEngine 🌟 We are thrilled to share a brand new case study highlighting our collaboration with ChannelEngine! Tessa Knijnenburg, People & Culture Business Partner, discusses how they prioritise both employee well-being and business objectives with their innovative partnership with OpenUp. 🔹 𝐆𝐨𝐚𝐥: ChannelEngine  sought a solution to support each employee's mental well-being in a personalised way. 🔹 𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Fast-growing work environments can make employees feel overwhelmed, so ChannelEngine wants to help employees handle such situations in a healthy way. 🔹 𝐄𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐲𝐞𝐞 𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: Tessa highlights high engagement with the OpenUp platform, with employees rating the services an average of 9 out of 10. At OpenUp, we are proud to play a significant role in supporting ChannelEngine's commitment to their employees' mental health. 📹 Watch the full case study to see how ChannelEngine leverages the OpenUp platform to meet the individual well-being needs of their 200 employees.

  • Organisatiepagina weergeven voor OpenUp, afbeelding

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    🌟 Lernt Leonie kennen: Als Account Managerin bei Workwise nutzt sie OpenUp, um sowohl beruflich als auch privat über sich hinauszuwachsen. In unserem neuesten Video erzählt sie, wie OpenUp ihren Arbeitsalltag positiv verändert, ihre Resilienz stärkt – was in ihrer Rolle unerlässlich ist – und wie sie damit auch private Herausforderungen besser meistern kann 🚀💼 Schau dir Leonie's Geschichte über den Link in den Kommentaren an 👇 #CaseStudy #Testimonial #MentalesWohlbefinden

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