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How can we share research together?

In this mini-series of three articles, we share a recent PPIE project where we co-created an accessible information sheet based on a journal paper. Four different perspectives of the co-creation process are presented – PPI Coordinator, researcher, graphic designer and patient representative. 
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People at a party wearing party hats

In this third and final article in this special series about our PPI project ‘How can we share research together? A co-creation project to make scientific research more accessible’ we hear from one of the patient representatives who took part in the project, Holly Spencer. Here Holly reflects on her diagnosis, her interest in patient and public involvement and her experience of being part of this project. In this third and final article in this special series about our PPI project ‘How can we share research together? A co-creation project to make scientific research more accessible’ we hear from one of the patient representatives who took part in the project, Holly Spencer. Here Holly reflects on her diagnosis, her interest in patient and public involvement and her experience of being part of this project.

by Holly Spencer | Personal stories | 11 June 2024

11 June 2024

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series How can we share research together?
An informational sheet highlighting how radiotherapy can be used to make radiotherapy in children more precise

A graphic designer shares their perspective on a recent patient and public involvement project during which an accessible information sheet based on a journal paper was co-created A graphic designer shares their perspective on a recent patient and public involvement project during which an accessible information sheet based on a journal paper was co-created

by Gill Brown | Analysis | 4 June 2024

4 June 2024

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series How can we share research together?
Artwork produced as part of a patient and public involvement workshop

In this mini-series of three articles, we share a recent PPIE project where we co-created an accessible information sheet based on a journal paper. In this article the PPI co-ordinator, Lisa Whittaker and one of the researchers, Catarina Veiga give an overview of the project and share their experiences of being involved. In this mini-series of three articles, we share a recent PPIE project where we co-created an accessible information sheet based on a journal paper. In this article the PPI co-ordinator, Lisa Whittaker and one of the researchers, Catarina Veiga give an overview of the project and share their experiences of being involved.

by Lisa Whittaker, Catarina Veiga | Analysis | 28 May 2024

28 May 2024

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series How can we share research together?