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Ian Caleb

Ian Caleb is Public Affairs Manager (Westminster) at Cancer Research UK
Showing 4 out of 4 results
A sign with the text 'General Election 2024' in front of Big Ben

With the general election fast approaching, we've taken a look at some of the highlights of what the three major UK-wide political parties have committed to deliver in their manifestos. With the general election fast approaching, we've taken a look at some of the highlights of what the three major UK-wide political parties have committed to deliver in their manifestos.

by Ian Caleb | In depth | 18 June 2024

18 June 2024

Chancellor of the Exchequer Jeremy Hunt leaves 11 Downing Street, London, with his ministerial box before delivering his Budget in the Houses of Parliament

We've waded through the wealth of announcements and numbers in yesterday's budget to summarise some of the key points for what this budget means for our mission to beat cancer. We've waded through the wealth of announcements and numbers in yesterday's budget to summarise some of the key points for what this budget means for our mission to beat cancer.

by Ian Caleb | Analysis | 7 March 2024

7 March 2024

The Cancer Research UK stand at the Labour party conference in October 2023

Ian Caleb, public affairs manager, gives a behind the scenes look at the Manifesto at the Liberal Democrat, Conservative and Labour party conferences – and how the team are getting CRUK’s policies heard Ian Caleb, public affairs manager, gives a behind the scenes look at the Manifesto at the Liberal Democrat, Conservative and Labour party conferences – and how the team are getting CRUK’s policies heard

by Ian Caleb | Opinion | 27 October 2023

27 October 2023

Image of Jeremy Hunt holding the red budget briefcase

Ian Caleb, Cancer Research UK's Public Affairs Manager (Westminster), gives his reaction to the spring budget from Jeremy Hunt, MP. Ian Caleb, Cancer Research UK's Public Affairs Manager (Westminster), gives his reaction to the spring budget from Jeremy Hunt, MP.

by Ian Caleb | Opinion | 15 March 2023

15 March 2023