We turned in 138,000+ signatures for Paid Sick Leave!

Today, Appleseed gathered with advocates from across the state to turn in more than 138,000 signatures from 89 Nebraska counties in support of the Paid Sick Leave for Nebraskans ballot initiative!

Thanks to the hard work of advocates and volunteers across our state, we’re confident that we’ve submitted more than enough signatures to qualify for the ballot this November so that Nebraskans can vote to ensure that all Nebraskans have access to basic paid sick leave to care for themselves and their families

We can’t thank you enough for the ways you’ve shown up to support this initiative. You’ve joined us for events, connected with communities in your region, and collected signatures from your family and friends. 

Thank you for helping build a Nebraska where no one has to choose between their paycheck and their health. It’s truly amazing how much we can accomplish working together.

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