If anyone's interested in just watching Zhang Linghe's scenes in Fox Spirit Matchmaker: Red-Moon Pact (2024), here are his appearances, with episode number and timestamps:

episode 30
slightly after 27:00 (in the woods) to 30:10

episode 31
beginning of episode (right after title sequence) to 5:45
10:34 (in the woods) to 13:29
18:53 (in the woods again) to 24:26
25:51 (in the woods at night) to 31:21

episode 32
10:37 (from woods to house) to 18:04
22:00 (woods again, very short scene) to 22:15

episode 33
beginning of episode (right after title sequence) to 6:04 when screen fades to black
22:57 (as two people in black are talking) to 28:35

episode 34
6:50 (in town) to 8:05
12:28 (at the tree) to 25:22

episode 36
38:24 (you guessed it, in the woods again) to 39:23

extra/bonus episode
4:25 to 5:34

Dedicated Zhang Linghe fan i see :))