

Asthma Vans go directly into low-income communities to provide on-going medical support to low-income children with asthma. Through its mobile clinics, Mobile Care Chicago has been the allergist for many thousands of children over the organization’s 20 year history.

Just like a typical specialty practice, Mobile Care Chicago provides allergy and asthma specialists (a physician and a nurse practitioner) so that children will receive consistent care from the same healthcare provider. All tests and medications available at a hospital are available on an Asthma Van, making it a true doctor’s office on wheels. Patients stay with their Asthma Van an average of 8 years, seeing their specialist an average of three times per year.

MCC Asthma Program Baseline and Results from FY23

Before EnrollmentAfter Enrollment
Less than 5 school absences74%97%
No ER visits73%96%
No asthma hospitalizations94%99%
Asthma Control Test score above 1975%86%

Thank you to Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois for creating the above video about our Asthma Vans!

Home Environment

Since 2012, MCC has successfully focused on high-intensity interventions for children with the most severe and hard-to-control asthma/allergy conditions through home environment assessments and has received numerous national awards for the specific model that MCC developed. During the pandemic, MCC partnered with AirAnswers to pilot the use of air allergen sensors in conjunction with virtual home assessments.

Over 75% of people with asthma have ��allergic-asthma,” a condition in which inhaled allergens such as dust mites, pet dander, mold, pollen, and tobacco smoke can trigger airway inflammation.

If certain allergens are present in a patient’s general environment, they can complicate medical treatment and reduce the effectiveness of asthma management medications.

Since Mobile Care Chicago’s allergy clinics provide allergy skin testing, we can help. Mobile Care Chicago offers Home Environment Assessments to identify and remove allergy triggers, and works with the American Lung Association of Illinois to address issues in the home that may cause on-going breathing difficulties.

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