Department Heads

emilyn alejandro photo
Emilyn Alejandro
, PhD
McKnight Presidential Fellow
(612) 301-7685
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denis clohisy
Denis Clohisy
, MD
Associate Dean for Surgical and Procedural Specialties
(612) 273-1177
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Charles Dietz photo
Charles Dietz
, MD
Radiology Department Chair
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Timothy Ebner
, MD, PhD
(612) 626-9204
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Dr. John Fischer, Department Head
John Fischer
, MD
Professor and Department Head
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Leo Furcht photo
Leo Furcht
, MD
Allen-Pardee Professor and Head
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Image of Ashley Haase
Ashley Haase
, MD
Regents' Professor and Head, Department of Microbiology and Immunology ; Professor of Medicine (Joint Appointment) Infectious Diseases and Internal Medicine
(612) 624-4442
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Detlef Heck, PhD
Detlef H Heck
, PhD
Department Head and Professor
(218) 726-8977
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Maria Hordinsky photo
Maria Hordinsky
, MD
R.W. Goltz Professor
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Dr. Sayeed Ikramuddin
Sayeed Ikramuddin
Professor and Chair, Department of Surgery
(612) 625-2478
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Samir Khariwala
Samir Khariwala
, MD, MS
Department Chair
(612) 626-5900
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Yu Liu
Yu Liu
, MD, PhD
Associate Professor
(218) 726-6348
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Joseph Metzger photo
Joseph Metzger
, PhD
Professor, Department Head and Chair
(612) 625-8296
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James Miner
, MD
Department Head
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Peter M. Nalin
Peter Nalin
Professor and Department Head
(218) 726-8393
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Joe Neglia
Joseph Neglia
Department Head and Professor, Division of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology
(612) 624-3113
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Dr. Jim Pacala
James Pacala
, MD, MS
Professor and Head
(612) 625-0954
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Jean Regal, PhD
Jean Regal
, PhD
Professor Pharmacology
(218) 726-8950
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Elizabeth Seaquist
Elizabeth Seaquist
, MD
Associate Dean for Medical Specialties and Primary Care
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Stephanie Terezakis
Stephanie Terezakis
, MD
Department Head
(612) 626-6710
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Fredericus van Kuijk
Fredericus van Kuijk
, MD, PhD
Professor and Department Chair
(612) 625-3233
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Vinogradov Headshot
Sophia Vinogradov
, MD
Department Head and Professor
(612) 273-9820
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Jerrold Vitek
Jerrold Vitek
, MD, PhD
McKnight Professor and Chair
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Michael Wall photo
Michael Wall
JJ Buckley Professor & Chair
(612) 624-9990
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Christopher Warlick
, MD, PhD
Department Head
(612) 625-7486
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Photo of Kevin Wickman
Kevin Wickman
, PhD
Professor and Head; Frederick and Alice Stark Endowed Chair
(612) 624-5966
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Image of John Lake
John Lake
, MD
Professor of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
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