Debbie Levitt
Debbie Levitt è un influencer

Olbia, Sardegna, Italia Informazioni di contatto
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How fast does your company need to change? Improve customer and user experiences? Achieve…

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Esperienza e formazione

  • Delta CX

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Esperienze di volontariato

  • Member

    Future of Design Education

    - 1 anno e 1 mese

    This is Don Norman's initiative that aims to redefine and improve UX and design education. I am a member of the committee that will define/redefine non-degree programs.

    Update: Our team's hard work appears to have gone ignored. Well, I tried.


  • Customers Know You Suck: Actionable CX Strategies to Better Understand, Attract, and Retain Customers

    Delta CX Media

    Customers Know You Suck is the how-to manual for customer-centric product-market fit. Its highly actionable models, maps, and processes empower everyone to improve the Customer Experience (CX). Learn how to investigate, diagnose, and act on what's blocking teams. Gather the evidence and data that better inform decisions, leading to increased satisfaction, conversion, and loyalty. Use our governance model for implementing and monitoring the progress, success, and failure of internal process…

    Customers Know You Suck is the how-to manual for customer-centric product-market fit. Its highly actionable models, maps, and processes empower everyone to improve the Customer Experience (CX). Learn how to investigate, diagnose, and act on what's blocking teams. Gather the evidence and data that better inform decisions, leading to increased satisfaction, conversion, and loyalty. Use our governance model for implementing and monitoring the progress, success, and failure of internal process changes and experiments.

    We’ve all been in that meeting: something we thought users would want or do didn’t happen as expected. How did we get that wrong and how do we keep that from happening again? Too often, product and service decisions are not guided by customer intelligence data. Where we lack knowledge, we work from guesses and assumptions, introducing or increasing risk.

    Customers expect high quality and value from every interaction with your company. People notice when we don’t meet their quality standards. Our reviews, stock price, support tickets, and customer attrition clearly show that what we thought was “good enough” isn’t. If you lose potential or current customers in one channel, you’ve probably lost them in every channel.

    But transforming toward customer-centricity strengthens customer relationships and increases revenue. Save money, reduce risk, work more efficiently, and improve culture while increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

    “Transforming Toward Customer-Centricity” is the live interactive workshop version of some of the key points and exercises in the book.

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  • Delta CX: The Truth About How Valuing Customer Experience Can Transform Your Business

    Delta CX is a refreshing model bringing CX and UX together in task and in name with the key goal of improving the products, services, and experiences (PSE) that we offer our potential and current customers. Rather than following trends or drinking the snake oil, Delta CX presents a time-tested, thorough approach that helps you establish values, vision, strategies, and goals.

    Great PSE require the right teams and strategies in place to proactively predict and mitigate the risk of…

    Delta CX is a refreshing model bringing CX and UX together in task and in name with the key goal of improving the products, services, and experiences (PSE) that we offer our potential and current customers. Rather than following trends or drinking the snake oil, Delta CX presents a time-tested, thorough approach that helps you establish values, vision, strategies, and goals.

    Great PSE require the right teams and strategies in place to proactively predict and mitigate the risk of delivering wrong or flawed PSE. Adopting Delta CX means we all finally speak the same language, from tasks and deliverables to job titles and required skills to where CX fits into Agile organizations to processes and teams. Calculate the ROI of investing more time and resources into building the right PSE the first time.

    Save time, money, and sanity. Replace guessing and assumptions with Lean customer research that is planned, conducted, and interpreted by experts. Learn why quality should be our #1 priority, and how to rededicate our organization to our external and internal customers.

    Target audiences: Managers, workers, practitioners, freelancers, consultants, contractors, execs, stakeholders, and everybody else working in CX, UX, Marketing, Product Management, Engineering, Project Management. Business Analysts (BAs), Data Scientists, Writers, Visual Designers, Information Architects, Interaction Designers, Product Designers, and Researchers.

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  • DevOps ICU: Improve Processes and Results by Correctly Integrating UX

    DevOps ICU: Improve Processes and Results by Correctly Integrating UX [A Guide for Product, Project, and Engineering Leaders and Workers] is available as a Kindle ebook as well as a print-on-demand paperback.

    Software development methodologies lack the details of how UX fits into organizations, teams, and projects. Some suggest that a Product Manager describing features is enough, UX should train others to do their work, or excluding UX solves them being “too siloed.” This happens with…

    DevOps ICU: Improve Processes and Results by Correctly Integrating UX [A Guide for Product, Project, and Engineering Leaders and Workers] is available as a Kindle ebook as well as a print-on-demand paperback.

    Software development methodologies lack the details of how UX fits into organizations, teams, and projects. Some suggest that a Product Manager describing features is enough, UX should train others to do their work, or excluding UX solves them being “too siloed.” This happens with no other role in software development. It’s hurting culture, efficiency, and productivity, and creating poor products for customers.

    Your customer only sees your UX, not your 1000 developers or if you were Agile or Lean. Companies are figuring out that UX specialists and the User-Centered Design process are high-ROI and irreplaceable. Recent highly-publicized UX failures remind us that skimping on UX can alienate customers, create negative media attention, and burn millions of dollars.

    Learn how the UX process fits into Agile and Lean; augments DevOps goals; increases customer satisfaction; and saves time, money, and sanity... all before developers write a line of code.

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  • Author of recurring column on CMSWire

    Twice a month I write approximately 800 words on various topics related to CX, UX, Product Design, Agile, and collaboration.

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  • Ptype Academy


    This is the site where I publish all of my free and paid courses. These are mostly courses on UX topics including 17 hours of video instruction on Axure.

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Riconoscimenti e premi

  • Recommended by Axure For Training


    My UX agency, Ptype, has been added to Axure's list of recommended trainers. There are roughly one dozen recommended trainers on the planet.


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