Fondazione Ernesto Illy

Fondazione Ernesto Illy

Servizi di raccolta fondi filantropici

"The only thing that matters is ethics" - Ernesto Illy

Chi siamo

The Foundation designs and implements a series of global projects in the scientific, educational/training, cultural/creative fields that give impetus to the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Foundation's operational model includes partnerships with other foundations and organizations, as well as the collection of funds to support ideas and projects proposed by the Foundation itself. The Foundation is also involved in publishing and multimedia activities as well as developing global partnerships with universities, institutions and corporations of excellence.

Sito Web
Servizi di raccolta fondi filantropici
Dimensioni dell’azienda
2-10 dipendenti
Sede principale
Non profit
Data di fondazione
Settori di competenza
philantropy, international projects, partnership, research, fundraising, education, knowledge, coffee economics, coffee science, coffee culture, ethics, sustainability, food e agriculture


Dipendenti presso Fondazione Ernesto Illy


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    Yesterday, June 27th, the Auditorium “Salone degli Incanti” in Trieste, hosted the side event “The role of vocational education and training: case study in the field of coffee processing to foster sustainable development”, that illycaffè promoted together with Fondazione Ernesto Illy, during the G7 Education Ministerial Meeting. The event highlighted illycaffè and Fondazione Ernesto Illy unwavering commitment to education and support for coffee-producing countries, to create a positive impact on the global coffee community. The discussions underscored the crucial role of vocational training in the coffee sector as a tool to combat poverty and tackle the challenges of sustainability and climate change. If training is the leitmotif of every activity and constitutes the basis for the development of coffee communities, the Fondazione Ernesto Illy intervenes also in the face of certain local needs, with specific projects to mitigate and prevent social problems and promote the well-being of local communities. Many countries, for example, lack effective social infrastructure and sometimes children are not sufficiently protected. The Fondazione Ernesto Illy supports the construction of schools, educational services and health care for the children of coffee operators. The value of training as a tool to improve sustainability was the theme of the meeting, and we are proud to have participated with the Università del Caffè, illy’s knowledge hub, which celebrates its 25th anniversary this year. Since the beginning it has been creating value through training activities and awareness-raising actions that aim to shape a sustainable coffee supply chain, which respects the environment, biodiversity and human rights. The event, attended by Giuseppe Valditara (Minister of Education and Merit), Gerardo PATACCONI (Head of Operation of the International Coffee Organization), Dr. Tidiane Ouattara (Representative of the African Union), Andrea Illy (Chairman of illycaffè), Andrea De Marco (Industrial Development Expert & Project Manager of UNIDO), Fernanda Maria Roche Soares dos Santos (Counsellor of the Embassy of Brazil), Stefania Giannini (UNESCO Deputy Director-General for Education) and Laura Frigenti (CEO of the Global Partnership for Education), concluded with a visit to the photographic exhibition “Amazônia” by Sebastião Salgado we’re supporting, offering a visual exploration of the richness and diversity of the Brazilian Amazon rainforest and its people. Thank you to all the participants! 🌱☕ #G7Italy #CircularEconomy #Sustainability #CoffeeCulture #UniversitàdelCaffè #VocationalTraining #GlobalEducation #illy #FondazioneErnestoIlly

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    🌏The G7 Education Summit it’s about to start in Trieste! 🌏 Trieste is all set to host the G7 Education Meeting, a global event where leaders and experts will converge to discuss and shape the future of education. As we gear up for this significant event in the city of Trieste, we are thrilled to announce the side event, organized by illycaffè and Fondazione Ernesto Illy, set for today June 27th: “The role of vocational education and training: case study in the field of coffee processing to foster sustainable development”. Fostering excellence, innovation and sustainability, illycaffè and the Fondazione Ernesto Illy promote the importance of vocational training in the coffee production sector. How training can be an effective tool to address the challenges of sustainability and climate change in agriculture? How can education combat poverty in developing countries where illycaffè and the Fondazione Ernesto Illy operate, such as Brazil and some African countries? Our commitment includes the prestigious Master in Coffee Economics and Science Ernesto Illy, designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to drive sustainable innovation in the coffee industry. This is how we work to create a positive impact on the global coffee community. Follow us for the highlights of this event in Trieste! #G7italy #Trieste2024 #illycaffè #FondazioneErnestoIlly #InnovationInEducation #Sustainability #FutureOfEducation

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    L’#ascolto è il primo passo per comprenderci. Nuovo appuntamento con Maura Manca e le sue pillole dedicate alla costruzione di un #rapporto migliore tra genitori e #figli, ma anche tra docenti e #studenti. Oggi la #Psicoterapeuta e Presidente Osservatorio Nazionale Adolescenza Onlus spiega come #sintonizzarsi con l’altro partendo da un ascolto attivo e curioso. Un presupposto fondamentale per stare all'interno di una relazione. Gli appuntamenti con Maura Manca sono un'iniziativa di #School4Life, il programma di #ELIS accanto a docenti, genitori, ragazze e ragazzi per scoprire il talento di ciascuno e costruire il #futuro. Guarda tutte le puntate ▶️ Scopri School4Life: Il progetto è sostenuto da: illycaffè, Fondazione Ernesto Illy, FINCANTIERI, Edison, Intesa Sanpaolo, UniCredit, Poste Italiane, Leonardo, Eni.

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    L'istruzione è alla base di ogni innovazione. Per questo siamo orgogliosi di partecipare, insieme alla Fondazione Ernesto Illy, al progetto School4Life coordinato da ELIS anche per il biennio 2023-2025, con l’obiettivo di promuovere la qualità della formazione e contrastare l’abbandono scolastico. Per due giornate nel mese di maggio abbiamo avuto l’onore di ospitare nella nostra sede gli studenti e le studentesse delle scuole superiori Di Savoia – Galvani e Da Vinci – Carli – Sandrinelli di Trieste, che aderiscono al progetto. Grazie al contributo dei docenti di Università del Caffè e del reparto HR&Organization, gli studenti hanno avuto l’opportunità di conoscere i mestieri che contribuiscono alla produzione di un caffè di qualità e di trarne ispirazione per il loro futuro. Sostenibilità per noi è pensare anche alle generazioni più giovani, avendo un impatto positivo sulle comunità. #QualityLovesDetails #School4Life #UniversitàDelCaffè #LIVEHAPPilly

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    Happening today! We are glad to announce that the thirteenth edition of the Master in Economia e Scienza del caffè - Ernesto Illy started today. The 24 students will e-meet for the first time to begin the journey into the world of coffee together ☕ The Master's course has as its unifying element the pursuit of #quality and #ethics in all phases of the production process and product marketing, explicitly drawing inspiration from the ethical values and scientific and managerial approach of #ErnestoIlly, acknowledging his cultural heritage and bearing his name with an ideal dedication. 👉  Stay tuned to learn more about the students and for updates on their activities. #FondazioneErnestoIlly

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    🌍📚 Workshop Recap: Bridging Coffee and Communication 📚🌍   On Wensday, students from our Master in Coffee Economics and Science Ernesto Illy joined forces with students from the Master in Science Communication "Franco Prattico" for an insightful and thought-provoking workshop, host by Chiara Patitucci, director of the “Fondazione Ernesto Illy”. The collaboration aimed to develop a communication plan centered around the creation of a podcast, addressing two key topics: 1.     Will coffee still exist in the future? 2.     The different ways of consuming and producing coffee around the world.   Through dynamic discussions and group work, students explored the implications of climate change on coffee production and consumption patterns worldwide. The workshop provided a unique opportunity to integrate scientific insights with effective communication strategies, fostering a deeper understanding of how to convey complex topics to diverse audiences.   A heartfelt thank you to Anna Illy, Chairman of the “Fondazione Ernesto Illy” for her warm welcome, and also thanks to the illycaffe for hosting the workshop at the Galleria Illy. A last thank you to Nico Pitrelli, director of the Master in Science Communication “Franco Prattico”, and Giulia Casasole, project manager of the Master, for their contribution and input to this successful session.   #CoffeeEconomics #ScienceCommunication #FutureOfCoffee #GlobalCoffeeCulture #SISSA #MasterProgram #Collaboration #LearningJourney #PodcastCreation #G7ClimateAgenda #ErnestoIlly #WiredArticle

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    📢 Empowering Women in the Coffee Industry: Register for Free Webinar! ☕🌟 IWCA is thrilled to host a webinar with representatives from Fondazione Ernesto Illy, focusing on women empowerment and professional development in the coffee industry. Learn about their financial aid program offering total and partial scholarships to deserving graduates from coffee-producing countries. 📅 Date: Friday, June 14th 🕒 Time: 9:30 AM CST (Guatemala Time) Key Highlights and Speakers: Presenter: Isabella Modde - Manager of the Master in Coffee Economics and Science, providing detailed information about the master’s program, including requirements, the application process, and its unique benefits. Guest 1: Orietta Lucia Alvarenga Pinto from Honduras, sharing her journey and professional advancements. Guest 2: Leslie Nanne Lippmann from Guatemala, offering insights into her ongoing experience and the support received through the program. Moderator: Orieta C. Pinto Valladares, Regional Coordinator of Latin America and the Caribbean, facilitating the discussion and providing context on the role of women in the coffee industry. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and discover exciting scholarship opportunities! 🌍🎓 🔗 Register Here: #WomenInCoffee #Empowerment #ProfessionalDevelopment #CoffeeIndustry #Scholarships #IWCA #FondazioneErnestoIlly

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    🌟 Week 3 Recap: Master in Coffee Economics and Science Ernesto Illy 🌟 This week has been an incredible journey of learning and hands-on experiences. Here's a summary of our activities during the third week of the Master in Coffee Economics and Science: - Day 11: We started the week with a lecture by Mr. David Brussa, Head of Total Quality and Sustainability at illycaffè. The session focused on quality control and sustainability management, using illycaffè as a prime example. As a certified B-Corp, illycaffè exemplifies social and environmental responsibility. 🌱📊 Day 12: Mr. Luca Turello, an expert in agronomy and project management at illycaffè, guided us through the Coffee Cultivation and Climate Change module. We explored innovative strategies to mitigate the environmental impact while ensuring the quality and resilience of coffee crops. 🌿🌍 - Day 13: We had an enlightening lecture with Mr. Marina Marin, an expert in innovation and development at illycaffè. Her session focused on coffee packaging and its role in preserving quality. We learned about the latest innovations in packaging materials and technologies that maintain coffee's freshness and flavor. 📦☕✨ - Day 14: Professor Giovanna Culot from the University of Udine introduced us to Quality Management as part of the Complexity and Supply Chain Management module. We engaged in a hands-on exercise on Quality Functional Deployment (QFD), a tool to transform consumer needs into specific product features. 📚🔧 - Day 15: We concluded the week with a special institutional event in Udine, hosted by the Rector, Professor Roberto Pinton, of the University of Udine. After the event, we visited the beautiful Villa Russiz winery, where we enjoyed a tour and wine tasting. This experience provided a wonderful opportunity to understand the intricacies of wine production and appreciate the rich heritage of the region. 🍷🏛️ This week has been packed with valuable insights and practical knowledge, thanks to the expertise of our distinguished lecturers and hosts. We are grateful for their contributions and look forward to applying these learnings in our coffee endeavors. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue our journey in the world of coffee economics and science! #CoffeeEconomics #Sustainability #Agronomy #Innovation #QualityManagement #SupplyChain #illycaffè #MasterProgram #CoffeeScience #ErnestoIlly #LearningJourney #ProfessionalDevelopment #UniversityOfUdine #WineTasting

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    🌟 Week in Review: Master in Coffee Economics and Science Ernesto Illy 🌟 This week has been a transformative experience in our Brewing Week, filled with insightful lessons and hands-on activities. Here's a summary of our journey: Day 6: We kicked off the week with a tour of the illycaffè company and Distripark, delving into the logistics and supply chain processes that ensure the smooth distribution of illy coffee worldwide. 🌍📦 Day 7: Thanks to our colleagues at the Università del Caffè, we uncovered the secrets to preparing the perfect espresso. The session was a deep dive into the techniques and science behind every shot. ☕✨ Day 8: We mastered the art of perfect milk frothing and explored a variety of classic and innovative coffee beverage recipes. The day ended with an exciting group challenge to create the ultimate summer coffee drink. 🥛🌞 Day 9: Accompanied by expert Allan Teixeira, we engaged in an in-depth exploration of espresso tasting. Through a cupping session of six different extractions, we learned to identify and appreciate the nuances of different coffee profiles and roast intensities. Special thanks to Allan Teixeira and Aldir from Experimental Agrícola do Brasil for their invaluable insights. 🌟 Day 10: We concluded Brewing Week with a Bar Hunting activity, visiting various bars to understand their concepts and operations in Italy. This provided a great opportunity to compare and contrast with the bar culture in our own countries. 🏙️☕ A heartfelt thank you to the Università del Caffè team for their unwavering support and expertise throughout this intensive week. We have gained a wealth of knowledge and are excited to apply these learnings in our coffee endeavors. #CoffeeEconomics #BrewingWeek #Logistics #SupplyChain #Espresso #MilkFrothing #BarHunting #UniversitàdelCaffè #MasterProgram #CoffeeScience #ErnestoIlly #ProfessionalDevelopment #CoffeeCulture #LearningJourney

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    🔔 #EventRecap We are thrilled to share insights from Mr. Andrea Illy's enlightening participation in the Welcome day event of the Class of 2024 of the Master in Coffee Economic and Science Ernesto Illy, where it was set also a round table with the topic “Drivers of Change: how to manage complexity through education”. Mr. Illy's insights underscored the importance of education and innovation in navigating the complexities of coffee cultivation. His speech sparked lively discussions and highlighted the need for an integrated and collaborative approach to tackle future challenges in the coffee industry. Key takeaways include: 🌱 Sustainability-Oriented Management: By grasping the structural and functional characteristics of the coffee plant, we can manage key agronomic practices more sustainably. 🌍 Modern Agronomic Practices: In our environmentally conscious world, it is crucial to manage procedures such as irrigation, fertilization, pruning, and protection against infections and pathogens correctly, in terms of both quantity and timing. ☕ Adapting to Climate Change: Selecting coffee varieties suitable for new environmental conditions caused by global warming offers growers opportunities to cultivate plants that are resistant to drought and pathogens, while preserving production quality and quantity. We extend our heartfelt thanks to Mr. Andrea Illy for his invaluable contribution to this essential conversation and also for give a lecture to our Master’s student in the afternoon. Together, we are paving the way for a more sustainable and prosperous future for the world of coffee. ☕ #FondazioneIlly #AndreaIlly #Sustainability #FutureOfCoffee #Innovation #ClimateChange #CircularEconomy #SustainableAgriculture #CoffeeIndustry #PositiveImpact

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