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NC Department of Health and Human Services
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North Carolina Immunization Branch

New NCIR Coming in 2025

A Modern Immunization Platform

The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services has a duty to ensure immunization providers have the tools needed to provide the best patient care possible. To that end, we work to maintain an immunization information system that is user-friendly and modern. Since implementing NCIR, we have strived to continuously improve the experience for our providers and partners. The upcoming new version of NCIR modernizes the technology healthcare partners rely on to share data, track vaccines, and make sound decisions.

Expected Timeline

The anticipated launch date for the new NCIR is summer of 2025. Immunization providers can expect updates beginning this summer as information becomes available. Specific stakeholder groups will receive separate communications, as appropriate for that group. As we get closer to launch, you will receive information on training opportunities and other educational resources.

More to Come

Any updates will be shared here and by email. Please ensure your contact information in NCIR is up to date.

Questions and Comments

Please email

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